Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This too shall pass

The job hunt continues. It can be frustrating! I sometimes feel like a failure. But today I was reminded that God works in his timing. I think he has a sick sense of humour sometimes though. Like you beg and plead and whine and when you finally quit making such a fuss he brings something your way. So maybe it's time for me to stop all my fussing and just hand it to him and have faith. This is way harder than just saying it. I have not been unemployed since the age of 15 and this is a huge adjustment. Same with my chiro appointment but that's a different story. All I want is to be working a job that I love. I have noticed an abundance of nanny jobs available and have been so tempted to apply to one of those...but I still haven't applied to the pre-schools or the day cares (I'm waiting for my letter to come in the mail saying that I am qualified and can work in these places). In the mean time I'm going crazy.

I have so much going on in my brain and I don't know how to release it. Maybe I should take up yoga...nah, you have to be still. I don't do "still" well. Plus I like to laugh and make people around me laugh so I can already see myself getting into trouble.

Tonight is pizza night. I'm excited and extremely hungry! Must be dinner time! Until next time


Unknown said...

Praying for you as you continue to learn to trust in the peace of God as you job hunt.

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle, things will work out. You'll see, and I know you already know that, just sometimes it's nice to read it :) Anytime you want to go for a walk or get some hot chocolate give me a call ^.- I'd love to spend some time with you!


white girl said...

All I see are a bunch of weird symbols that make no sense to me. Apparently, Shauna and Amy see something different than I do, or they speak alien.

I love you and I believe in you!
