Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hi, it's been a while

I am 17 weeks pregnant and it still feels surreal.  I think because this time around I am not sick like I was with Kiwi.  With Kiwi I was sick the entire time (at least every second day). This time around the morning sickness ended at week 9.  I find that at my doctor appointments my anxiety level is lowered after I hear the heartbeat but 2 weeks after my appointment my anxiety level begins to rise once again. I wonder if everything is going ok in there since I have yet to feel the baby move.  But alas everything is going alright, we just heard the babies heartbeat once again last week.  Ask me again in a week how I'm doing.  Hopefully by then I will be feeling this little sprout move. (Update since I wrote this paragraph I have started feeling the beginning flutters of the baby moving - Yay!)

I have to say I am in love with the spring weather that has finally emerged.  I don't know why but this winter seemed to drag on for what seemed to be forever.  I think it was because January was so nice and spring like and then winter came back for February which was just mean.  I enjoy the snow, don't get me wrong, I just don't like it returning after it's left for a month.  Spoiled I know.  Anyways, since spring has seemed to really sprung, Kiwi and I have been enjoying the outside every day!  

Today we went to the park and there was another little boy lying on the ground having a full blown temper tantrum.  Kiwi decided that he would go and join him (he's been doing this lately) and went and lied down beside him and laughed.  It stopped the other little boy from crying but I was kind of embarrassed that my child seemed to be mocking this other child.  After the other little boy got up Kiwi continued to get up and then throw himself on the ground, roll around and then get up and repeat.  I found it really funny, as Kiwi thought this was a game.  The other little boy's mom said, "see that's what you look like, doesn't it look silly".  He just stared at Kiwi, and then a smile emerged.  

Like I said before Kiwi's been doing this lately.  It's happened a few times where his friend will lie down and cry and he'll just go and lay beside them and smile at them or laugh.  Every time the other child has stopped, probably more in confusion than anything else.  Since it's only helped to stop I haven't stopped him from doing it.  However, the moment it escalates the behaviour I will indeed step in.  

The other day I had a very strange dream.  I'm going to go ahead and chalk it up to pregnancy dream.  It started at a conference B and I had gone to.  Instead of a speaker though everyone was to participate in improv scenarios.  When the one scene was done then those actors would go and high five someone in the audience to take over their seat.  Then the person to the left of you got to choose the part you would play in the next scenario.  After the conference was over we decided to go out.  We ended up at this club where I got very intoxicated.  It was when we got home that I remembered that I was pregnant.  I was so distraught and mad at myself.  The next day everyone from the conference got summoned to come back.  Apparently there was a diabetes outbreak and everyone had to be tested.  B was getting upset with me thinking that I was afraid to poke my finger.  I explained to him that I wasn't afraid to poke my finger, but didn't know where to put the blood for the test and didn't want to bleed everywhere so I was waiting for the nurse to come by so I could ask.  Then I woke up.  When I woke up I was so confused and I was still very upset about the drinking part of my dream.  It took me about half a day to get over it.  Where do these thoughts come from??  So weird!  
