Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Evacuation and False Labour

 I was just coming back from the other side of the bridge (doing errands) and heading to B's Grandpa's 95th birthday party.  95!!!  As I rounded the corner I saw some smoke coming from a hill near by.  I said out loud to myself (well Kiwi was there so maybe I was telling him) that as soon as we parked the car I was going to call that in.  It had just started.  As I pulled into my parking spot the fire truck went by.  Ok don't need to call that in.  Went inside and enjoyed the party.  Kiwi was over tired and squirrel-ee so we packed it in a bit early and headed home.  As I headed home I thought….this fire just needs a little wind and it will be at our place in no time.  So as soon as I got home I put Kiwi down for a nap and began packing an evac bag. My brain was going a million times a minute.  See as I drove into the neighbourhood I took the long way home and at the top of the street you could see flames in the trees.  So feeling a little panicked I didn't know where to start or what to pack or even if I should pack.  So I started with the important things, the irreplaceable things.  Photo albums, all the memory cards, the external hard drive, insurance papers, mortgage papers, etc.  Then I packed a bag for us to be able to survive for 3 days.  So 3 changes of clothes each, our toothbrushes etc…  All the while Kiwi is still not napping because the helicopters are flying right over our house.  Looking out the window they were using the lake water just across the road so every time they dipped down into it, it appeared like they were going to hit the top of our neighbours house.  They were super duper close.  So of course Kiwi is all into that and didn't want to nap.  No biggie, just stay in your room I asked him.  Well he didn't.  He decided that this was a good time to figure out how to unlock the deadbolt on the front door and run outside to watch the helicopters.  So while chasing him outside (because he will run out onto the street still) and coming back in to pack and then chasing him outside again I was a bit of a basket case.  Finally I had our bags packed.  B came home early due to the whole ordeal with some friends of ours that he works with that also live in our neighbourhood so that worked out nicely.   When he got home he put the 2 suitcases into the car and did a quick video of our house and contents for insurance reasons.  Then the cops came down the road and told us it was time to get out.  B had been home for maybe 10 minutes at that time.  Kiwi kept trying to pack his snow shovel into the trunk.  We tried to explain to him that we didn't need to take that with us.  I thought that part was funny.

We went to B's parents' house and stayed with them for the 3 nights that we were out of our home.  How generous of them to allow us to stay with them especially since they had company coming to stay with them too that weekend.  When I opened the suitcase to see what I had to wear I realized that I had packed some pre-pregnancy clothes.  Um…where are the clothes that fit right now?  Talk about a blond moment.  I'm going to chalk it up to panic.  So I had a couple of things to wear but mostly just tank tops .  Umm….yeah.  B's parent's were great.  They looked after Kiwi while we went to register as evacuees.  I'm so thankful for that because the process for registration took quite some time and I think Kiwi would not have lasted for very long in that env't.  While sitting there we ran into our cousin who had just moved into that area 3 weeks prior.  I gave her a welcome to the neighbourhood hug and we chatted until it was her turn to go up (she had arrived 2 hours ahead of us).  For some reason she didn't want to switch numbers with us, go figure.

That night I went to bed feeling fine.  At 4:50am I woke up to some pretty intense cramps.  I started to time them because they seemed to be coming and going.  Every 10 minutes I was getting them.  They were getting a little more strong each time.  I went upstairs to get some water and to sit still.  I figured maybe this could stop it or at least slow it down.  As I sat there and they didn't stop I was wondering do I wake anyone up?  I don't want to cause panic if there's nothing to worry about.  At this point I was 35 weeks pregnant.  Finally they stopped and I went back to bed.  They only lasted about an hour.  I've been told that my surgeon doesn't want me to labour for more than an hour so when it stopped I was so happy.  I told Sprout, you can't come out now, I don't even have a house to take you to, not to mention your nursery at our house hasn't even been started.

We were back in our home on Sunday evening.  The first thing I did was start the dishwasher.  After 3 days of sitting in there dirty I figured they would be oober stinky.  I was right.  Although we were out for a very short time considering how close the fire was to our home I was so grateful to be back.

Friday, August 01, 2014

3 weeks until due date.

Woah, again time got away from me.  Ah such is life I suppose and I don't suppose it's going to slow down any time soon.  I have thought about updating often but just didn't do it.  I found other things took priority, such as watching "The Bachelorette" (I didn't care for this season).  Anyways I"m here now so let's update shall we?

I have a scheduled c-section about a week earlier than my due date because of the vertical tear in my uterus.  I had an ultrasound the other day to determine the size (which is average) and fluid levels(which are perfect) and the position of the baby.  Well baby has my sense of direction is facing the wrong way so it would have been a c-section regardless of the tear being there or not.  My baby is a skater boarder punk already and is in the position of doing an Ollie (legs bent up behind) and is breech. I think that's all there is to update on Sprout. Although this morning I woke up craving root beer.  Um…weird.  It's only 6 am.  Don't' think I'm going to cave into that craving.  Normally I crave cherries and watermelon (same sort of things I craved with Kiwi).  

Speaking of Kiwi.  For the last week he's been waking up super early.  I mean I have seen a 5 as the first number on the clock every morning.  I walk him back to bed tell him it's still sleep time and he goes back to sleep. I however take 1-1.5 hours to fall back asleep which is just in time for him to wake up at a reasonable time and I'm exhausted for the rest of the day.  

A couple of weeks ago now we had to evacuate our home due to a forest fire.  What a stressful situation.  I don't recommend it.  However I am incredibly thankful for the emergency workers and how calm and organized the entire ordeal felt. I think this story warrants it's own entry though so that's all I'll say about it for now.  

Nesting has officially begun as of yesterday.  Just really random things scream out to me that they need to be cleaned.  It's like an unofficial spring cleaning is taking place.  Yesterday everything got washed.  The carseat covers (yes Kiwi's too), I vacuumed out one of the cars (the other one is getting done today), Did laundry (which is  normal weekly duty so it doesn't really count), cleaned out inside the fridge because you know the baby will definitely judge us if it weren't clean.  While I was cleaning it I was like, oooh this is a bit irrational I must be nesting. haha.  Because it was such a strong urge that it must be cleaned!  And you get the point….cleaning it's never ending and I'm happy it's getting done so once I'm recovering I won't have these little things sticking out to me to be done.  

In the nursery B drew animals on the wall and I am painting them in.   It is so relaxing and I love doing it.  I do have to take a million breaks as I get fatigued rather quickly.  But the room is looking super cute so far.  We are keeping it gender neutral because even though the first ultrasound they told us the gender the following 2 ultrasounds they couldn't get a clear picture and it came back as inconclusive so we decided we would not tell anyone (outside of our immediate family) what the gender is supposedly in case it is wrong.  So gender neutral nursery it is.  We painted the walls mint green and the animals are actually dark brown silhouettes.  We are doing a forest theme in this room.  The other day B and I came into our room and laid on the bed and looked up and realized we have some art work above our bed that is a tree and our bedspread is tree branches/leaves. That's when B said, in all our rooms we all have some sort of tree going on.  Funny I thought.  Guess we're a bunch of tree lovers.  

I am not looking forward to the recovery time of a c-section.  People keep telling me that it won't be so bad this time because it's planned and not emergency which will help immensely.  I am still sad that I won't be allowed to pick Kiwi up, and that I have to take it easy for the first couple of weeks.  I'm not good at sitting still.  I remember right after Kiwi was born I was sitting up in the bed to talk to some visitors we had and the nurse came in and told me to lay back down that I wasn't suppose to be sitting yet.  Ugh…I just want that part of this journey to be over.  Can we skip it somehow??  

I am so excited that next Saturday my sister and her family come to town.  I haven't seen them in person since Kiwi was born (just over 2 years ago).  We have a pool party to welcome them next Sunday with some other family members and I am stoked!   They will be in town for 10 days and I am so looking forward to spending time with them.  I can't believe my nephew is 13 already and my niece is 9!! Seriously time is flying by.  

My friend's little guy, the one who had the Berlin heart put in has just received a heart transplant and everything went very well.  It's only 9 days post op and he's been released from the hospital.  They are so excited and happy that they have a happy ending to their journey and that their home for the last 7 months is now a memory as they head home.  It's such a bittersweet situation.  You pray for a heart for the little person, but by praying for that you're praying that someone else has to suffer great loss as the heart has to come from somewhere (and at the age of the baby has to be around the same age).  So really in this situation my heart is torn in two directions.  Let's just focus on the rejoicing side for now though shall we(in blog world). 

Well I think that's all there is to update at this point. Thank you for coming back and reading.  I hope you have a great day and hopefully I'll update one more time before Sprout makes his/her appearance.  
