Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What are you doing this weekend?

Good day to you! I don't really have an update...more of just a jump in to say, hey! I'm still alive! Now as school is coming to a close I find it harder to get myself to class. It's like, isn't this over yet?? haha. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy what I'm taking it's just been a long hull and I'm ready for a break. I'm very much looking forward to August :)

I finished my projects for my one course. And as of 9:30 pm tomorrow evening one of 3 courses will be complete. I am so excited. Than I can turn my attention to my other 2 courses and get those next 4 assignments done :)

Yeah, like I said, not much of an update, more like a checkin' in. I hope you are having a fabulous day, please leave a comment and tell me something fun you're going to do over the weekend.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


So the wedding plans have started! It has been fun so far with only a few tears shed. The first week or so I was in a daze. If you asked me to complete a thought or put an idea together you could have been waiting a very long time for a response. I round it up to excitement and nervousness and allowing reality to settle in. For the next couple weeks I started dealing with reality in that this is a lifelong decision, and it's not something to just go along with. Yes I had thought about it before, but not to this depth. It was scary and nerve racking and really exciting all at the same time.

Wedding planning for me is hard. I'm very easy going and just go along with the flow. However, in the position of the bride you're called on to make major decisions. I am so fortunate in that my fiancee, Brenton, is so eager to get involved and wants to be a part of the planning and decision making. Having "Pow wow" chats to get out any thoughts I may be having (even if it's just a random thought that I don't have any intention on using, but just have to get it out of my head) heard, when it comes time to make a call on something, he's there to back me up in what we've already discussed and we both agreed on.

We booked the church in the first week. I also talked to my mom about 3 weeks ago about her trip out here. We talked about going wedding dress shopping and how she's really excited to go along with me. She asked me what I was looking for and I had no idea. So I told her I would go out the next day to just see what was out there. When I got into the store reality started to hit that I wasn't out looking for someone else's dress, but my own. I guess I was breathing funny when the girl came over to see if she could help me. I told her that the gown I was looking at at that moment was beautiful but it was a little off in some areas. I told her what I was thinking and she went away, returning with exactly what I had just described. It was amazing. The next best part was it was on the sale rack! (My Scottish bones rejoiced!) She asked me if I wanted to try it on and I said, "NO!" Then I explained that my mom was coming in a few weeks and I had to wait for her to come out to go shopping with me. I went home and called my mom. She wasn't home. So I called her again the following day and she was home. I told her about the previous day's events and she told me to go back to the store and try it on.

I walked back into the store and there it was, just sitting right on the front of the rack, calling out my name. I asked the lady if I could try it on and she said, "You have to try on more than just ONE dress!" I responded, "Oh, do I?" haha. So I picked out about 10 more. I went into the room and tried on the dress I really liked first. It was too small. So I hung it back up on the hanger. I proceeded to try on the next dress and didn't like it one bit. So I pulled it off and got redressed to go out and take in the next 2 gowns. She came over to me and asked how things were going. I told her about the issue with the first dress being 2 dress sizes too small. She said there was enough room in the seam allowance for it to come out that much. I proceeded to try on the next couple dresses, snubbing my nose at them. In the meantime she had taken the dress I still liked away. I tried on a couple more dresses and was like, really I want to try on that other dress again. So I snuck it back off the rack and back into the dressing room with me. I climbed into it and came out of the room. The lady saw me and proclaimed, "that dress is very nice on you, aren't you glad you tried on more than one dress!" I responded, this is the first dress. She looked slightly confused, 1, she hadn't seen me sneak it back into the dressing room with me and 2. She said, "I thought you said it was 2 sizes too small?!" I said, it is! And she said, no honey, it's maybe 1/2 an inch too small. So I bought that dress while talking to my mom on my cell phone. It is amazing, it's exactly what I had in mind even before I knew conciously what I was looking for.

The only time I've really cried during the planning so far is when it comes to cutting the guest list. I cry because I want everyone to be there. However, reality is that it's not possible to have everyone there. I just want everyone in my life to know that everyone has played an important role in my life and I don't take any friendship for granted! I cherish every single one. I am an introvert. Meaning I don't have many friendships, but the ones I do have are deep and significant in my life. Therefore, cutting anyone feels as though I'm cutting a part of myself. For those who aren't able to come I will visit you sometime, which might be better because than we can have one on one time. Anyone who knows me knows that I thrive on that time.

I'm just babbling now, so until next time.
Keep on Truckin'
