Sunday, June 23, 2013

June Bug

Hello, long time no update, like usual.  Kiwi's first birthday has come and gone.  I can't believe I have a one year old.  It's cliche to say but it's no less true that this past year has gone by so fast.  I think I blinked and it was over.  His party was fun.  I enjoyed planning it and I have to say his cake turned out how I wanted it to (first time my vision has actually come out the way I had envisioned it.) 

I have to say he learns so fast and is surprising me daily with the skills he's developing.  He is able to put two shapes into the shape sorter without assistance.  He's learning to play with toys the way they were meant to be played with. He's also quick to pick up on a new skill, such as the other day he brought me a toy fan and I showed him once how to press the button to make the fan go and since then he's barely put the thing down, constantly making the fan go.  

He makes me laugh daily with the things he decides are the best toys.  For the last couple of days his favourite things to play with are a bag clip and a broken lego window.  He puts the chip clip into the window and shakes it around.  I laughed a lot today as he played with them over and over and his toy box overflowing with awesome toys just sat behind him untouched.  

Speaking of the last couple of days, our entire little family have been sick.  It started with Kiwi, he started throwing up for the first time in his life (other than the newborn spit up stage).  At first I didn't know how to react, I was wondering what do I do, do I call 811 (the nurses' help line) and after I calmed myself down and  got myself together, B and I cleaned him up and got him some toast and he was always his happy little self carrying on like nothing was wrong.  Such a little trouper.  It was that evening it hit me and I got sick for the first time in a long time.  The following day it didn't ease up.  Let's just say that Kiwi and I spent the day hanging out in the washroom for the entire day.  When I texted B to come home early from work cause I didn't think I could make it much longer he gathered up his things and then it hit him.  We were a sad little family for a few days and B's still on the mend, but doing much better than before.  

I am also still in recovery from my tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.  I finally got them taken out and I have to say after the second day I noticed a dramatic difference breathing through my nose.  I never realized it was so blocked before.  I guess you assume what you know is normal until it changes right?  I am hoping that after the swelling goes down I will no longer be a snorer! Wouldn't that be awesome?  So far B says that he's heard me snore - louder than before surgery - yikes!  (That was 3 days after surgery) and then since day 5 he said that I've just been breathing really heavy but no snoring.  Let's pray that continues to fade and that I will one day be a quiet sleeper :)  Not dead, just quiet.  I will try and update on some of these things in their own entry because as I type this very brief -yet long - novel update I realize I have so much more to talk about on each topic.  

Well, that's long enough for now.  Until next time,
