Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Walk to Remember

I went on a walk yesterday with a friend of mine. It was so much fun and I enjoyed every minute of it. We giggled like little girls and I almost peed my pants...I later found out (when she told me) that she also felt like she had to use the loo immediately..haha. At first it started out like any other walk. With the chance of rain we brought our umbrellas but as it turned out not one drop hit the ground as we walked. As we walked we came across a park and decided that we would play on it. Nobody else was. And as I post some pictures I risk that she will post the video that she has. But I think it's worth it :) But look how still the water was very picture-esk

After some fun in the park we continued our walk, but to our dismay we realized we took the wr
ong turn and we were on the wrong side of the fence from where we wanted to be. So we took the most understandable root to get to where we wanted to be. Rather than turning around we jumped the fence. (This is where the batteries in my camera died). So from this point on I don't have any more photo's. We were killing ourselves laughing because we kept calling it a "fail" walk. Every time we went to go do something (except jump the fence) went wrong. Every time we went to take a picture something would of us wouldn't smile, one of us was blurred, one of us was missing out of the picture. It was just so hilarious! Maybe you had to be there. We had a good time anyways. Then we started taking video's in the Nut farm..pretending to be afraid of the "Monster" in the woods...for some reason every time her camera would turn on to start the video there would be a creaking noise so we decided to make a horror movie...but the only thing that was horrifying was our acting because all we did was laugh. I am pretty sure our Abs had a great work out.

As we continued our walk there was a log carved out and it was a statue of a man. This caught my friend by surprise and she screamed and ran away. Her scream made me jump off the ground and scream along with her, until I saw what it was that we were "afraid" of. Then I just started laughing.

My favorite part of the walk, was when we were walking across a bridge and her umbrella(which she was using as a walking stick) got stuck between the slats of wood and yanked her back. FAIL we both yelled. It was a great day and a very memorable walk. Let's do it again soon!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Memory Lane

Hello, so like a dweeb I was reminiscing about our honeymoon today. I was looking through some photo's and it made me smile. I so want to go back there again. (We went to Disney World). I didn't know what was to come after the wedding and I was so excited when I found out in Chicago where our destination was going to be.

Here is a picture that just makes me laugh. I'm sure it was staged but it also speaks volumes..haha. It's just funny to me.

Then there's this 20 second video that makes me laugh. I think I was being so silly and I've never seen myself act like this before so the first time I saw it I laughed and laughed and laughed. I mean I almost peed my pants and I was crying from laughing so hard. A little bit too much information I know. But I just had to describe how funny I think this
is. However, I've shown it to a couple of people and they don't even chuckle. I was like, B why don't other people find this funny? He told me that this is how I'm normally and that this isn't anything "new".
And that people don't find it as funny as I do because that's just how I act all the time. This shocked me?! Than I laughed some more and just enjoyed my silliness. I love my husband, and I'm so glad he picked me.

Before I show you the video I m
ust explain that I am ready to go to bed because we have to be up at 4am the next morning for our flight home. I also say at the end "We're normal, we don't wear Mickey Mouse Ears". This was due to a newly wed couple that we witnessed walking through the park with Mickey Mouse ears that were decorated like a bride and groom. (We have them too, but we didn't wear them in the park). This couple also looked quite grumpy and as we ate in the same restaurant as them (they sat 3 tables away from us) they didn't say two words to each other but their silly Mickey Mouse Ear hats remained on their heads. (Click on the picture to make it better, than you can see the background a little more clear) Maybe an arranged marriage where they didn't speak the same language and only depended on the Universal language of Love. Anyways, that is the background story to this video. I have a couple of photo's of B and I in the restaurant and you can see the couple in the background. So funny!

But I've talked our wedding to death and I'm sure our honeymoon too. I am n
ow so excited for my little bro's wedding coming up. I don't want to go over the line of talking about my own experience too much yet still enjoy the memories that day brings to me.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Order of Business

So today is good news day! I won't have more information than what is on here until Monday so hold tight for a continuation. Until then I won't hold you in suspense of what my good news is. Well, maybe I will. haha. That would just be mean.

First order of business. Now that it's public knowledge and the key people who need to know have been informed I'm free to announce this excitement in a public way. Meaning? I can say it on my blog. I really want to shout it because I am sooo excited! My baby brother is ENGAGED!! Rebecca-Lee (aka Becky) is going to be my newest little sister. This makes me so happy and I can hardly wait until July 11, 2010. This also means that starting NOW I must start getting in shape so I can look good on my little brother's big day! They started sharing details with me, but that is their story to tell. It's going to be fancy and beautiful, that much I can say. One really romantic thing she told me was that her favorite part of him is his eyes. Then she said that she was so happy because no matter how they age, his eyes will stay the same. My favorite part of their description was when they were telling me the date they had chosen. "It's July 11, you know 7/11. Every anniversary we're going to get a slurpee from 7/11". Haha! My kind of people! In the first picture and second picture is where I was "tossing the bouquet". And it really does work!

Soon to be sisters!!!

The happy couple!

Second order of business. I finally have a job! Praise the LORD!!!! I'm so excited about it too. It's called a "casual position". But she said that I can work up to 40 hours a week if I want to. It's up to me to tell them when I want to work and for how long. (Um can we say every day!) I will be working within 3 facilities filling in for people on sick days, holidays and when they are short someone or just need an extra helper. I will be a back up in the class (assistant). And I will be with pre-schoolers in the mornings and kindergartners in the afternoons. How exciting. And while I was waiting for the lady to arrive to do my second interview(she was running a little late) the allowed me to sit in on a class of my choice to see how it was. That was so much fun. I played a rhyming game and then did some art. Then we played a name game and while we played this, one little girl did not want to sit in the circle. So while she had her tantrum we carried on. But it was sooo funny when half way through the song she came in and stood in the middle of the circle. When the teacher asked her to sit down she yelled back, "BUT I AM SITTING". hahaha. I had to hold in my laughter because I did not want to encourage this behavior but seriously the funniest thing ever. There were a couple more of these moments where I had to hold in my laughter and I think this is going to my the most challenging for me (to hold in my laughter). These little people are just little funny creatures. I so enjoy watching them and hearing what they have to say. The way they see the world is just so precious.

So I go back in on Monday to fill out my paper work and find out when I start. This is such an answer to prayer. Thank you to everyone that prayed or gave words of encouragement! It means so much to me. Mandi and Dawn your messages of encouragement came at such relevant times and I thank you with a shout out!

Order of Business number 3. I have not done this before but I'm going to keep my blog followers keep me accountable. This way it's not just Amy and I holding e
ach other accountable but now we both have you all keeping us on track. (You can follow her blog at: We made a pact yesterday to lose 15 pounds by June. This isn't so bad (3 pounds a month). But if possible lets make it 30. haha. ok. That might be a little extreme. But anywho, wanna get in shape for the wedding and there's also a family vacation coming up on the B side. So there it is. For everyone to see. Our decision is to work out Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And to watch our daily intake. I think of it as a life change rather than a diet. This is because the word "diet" has so many negative connotations to it. It also says to me that you can't have certain things. I'm a sugar junkie through and through, to cut this out would be insanity. So instead how about just have a little sugar rather than the whole 10kg bag. haha. It's not that bad. But do you see the temptation I'm dealing with? Anyways, please help me keep this goal. I want to run or at least walk the Summerland 5k this coming summer. This is my goal! Woo hoo!!

Well, that's about all there is to report for now. Until next time.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ode to Puss N Boots

Hello, what happened? I told you I had so much to share and then I disappeared. But while I was gone guess what I came across. An old school photo of Puss N Boots. So timely too because last week was the one year anniversary of her passing. A very sad day indeed. I left the vets office looking like a mess. The people in the waiting room looked at me awkwardly and when I made eye contact they would look down to the floor. You know you've succeeded in the ugly cry when.....

Anyways, on a happy note this picture makes me smile because if you look closely at the computer screen you can see that I was updating my blog at that point. So awesome! I miss that crazy cat that everyone seemed to hate. I loved her and it was funny but it's like she gave her approval of B. I think it was the first time they had met she crawled up onto his chest and fell asleep. She didn't do this to anyone (except me) until he came and then baam, instant crush. haha.

So today's blog is an Ode to Puss N Boots. Here are some pictures of her cute and funny moments. I love this cat and I think she's hilarious. We had some really good times and I miss her.
This is her "baby". It's a beanie baby teddy bear that she use to carry around the house from the time she was a kitten until she was an adult. So funny.
This is a picture of my brother tossing her beanie in the air. The next picture is her jumping to grab it (it is her baby after all).
Did you see that height?

Just a couple close ups. She was really cuddly. Her nickname was Beans because she was as squishy as a beanie baby. Sometimes I would squeeze her too hard and she would squeak. Oops I would say and then let her down. But she always came back for more cuddles later.

Puss N Boots and Jordaghn were really good friends (Jordaghn passed away from old age). Jordaghn was my pet chinchilla. Puss N Boots would sit on his cage and pat his head. They had a weird but cute friendship.

I miss you friend.

Puss N Boots
June 15, 2005 - Feb 16, 2008

Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend of Adventure

Here I sit, sniffling, sneezing, coughing and a throbbing headache. The head cold is well worth the weekend that brought it on. I awoke on Friday morning to be greeted by my very excited husband. He went off to work for a half day and I ran a couple of errands. As soon as he came home he finished packing his clothes (everything else was ready). We were out the door and on the road in record time (for us anyways). We stopped and got some lunch and then started our road trip down to Vancouver to take in the Olympic fever. We arrived in the early evening and went into North Vancouver to stay at his Uncle's house. What a view. It was an amazing place of retreat. After the weekend was over we felt as though we had had a vacation. Just wonderful!

On Saturday we woke up late and headed down town to the festivities after taking in the great view and just soaking up the sun. We got on the bus and it instantly reminded me of the bus' we took in Disney World. Brenton told me I need to take transit more because not all buses lead to Disney. I learned that this weekend...but they did lead to excitement! I love the bus!!

We walked around downtown V
ancouver for over 9 hours. It was so much fun. We didn't stand in line for anything because the minimum lineup was 2 hours and we were unsure of what it actually lead to. So instead of standing in the mystery lineup we just walked around and watched all the street performers and activity. The energy level that surrounded us was intense and we just laughed and walked, and walked, and walked.

We saw t
he Olympic Torch and the rings. We even saw some drama's being done on the sidewalk. This is funny because it was dramas that we did while in Omega and one of them was written by my brother in law. It made me feel as though they were near and it was good.

Walking around with thousands of people you wouldn't think you would run into anyone you knew but we did! We ran into our friend Katherine not once but twice (and not within minutes the first time was at about 3 in the afternoon and the second time was at 9:30). As I walked down the street I heard my name being called out and turned to see and it was my cousin Kris and his fiance Brittany. What are the odds? It was just so much fun.

At about 10pm we went back to B's Uncle's place and sat and chatted about everything we had come across in the day.

Sunday morning came really fast and we gathered up our things and had breakfast and headed out to see a couple of friends. After we were done there we had to head back to see another couple of friends (being from Abby makes it hard to see everyone we want to see in one trip). On our way to dinner there was a pipe in the middle of the road and it wasn't seen in time and we drove right over it, denting the rim on our front driver's wheel. This put a bit of a damper on our trip. After dinner we had to fix it(I say we but really we all know it was B who fixed it). Then we were on our way home. We didn't get back to town until well after midnight. I think it was actually closer to 1am when we walked in the door. Do you think our night ended there? Nope, we talked with my sister and caught up with her for a while before turning in for the night. I hadn't been able to talk with her for over two weeks so we had much to talk about. I will stop talking now because it's already a long post, but I tell you I have so much to share after such a great weekend!

Until next time,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Exciting Week To Say The Least

Exciting things have been happening this week. First we'll start with Monday....oh nothing really exciting happened on Monday. Ok, let's start with Tuesday. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. When I answered it the other end was one of my lady friends from church asking me if I would be able to come in to provide child care for the ladies group. I agreed and headed down there pronto. It was funny because B was already up and getting ready for work when I barged into the washroom and started getting ready. He was shocked and surprised and asked me what I was doing. I told him and he was happy. Afterwards I went to my friends house and we had some tea and chatted away. We told each other what was going on in our lives. It was lots of fun. Afterwards I went to my chiropractor appointment and massage therapy. I don't normally talk about it but this time was different. Both B and I were there at the same time. We did not plan that. We had both booked for the same times. Funny little date. When I got home I applied for a few jobs. I did a few errands and then came home to find that there was a response from one of the jobs I had applied to. I wrote back my answer to their question and that was the last I've heard from them so far. So not to jinx myself I will leave it with that. (I secretly, ok...not quite a secret, hope that they will call me back).

Than my sweet husband surprised me by taking me to a movie date. We went and saw the movie "Valentine's Day". It was surprisingly not as cheesy as I expected. It was good. We shared a rootbeer and he ate the popcorn(I can't eat popcorn without choking on it so I just avoid it all t
ogether). So it's not like he wouldn't share it with me, he just ate it because he could.

Than yesterday being Wednesday I woke up and tidied up. Then I headed down to the recreation centre down the street. I had volunteered to help out in the children's program which I had applied for. They don't have any positions open until March but I thought it would be good to get my feet wet (quite literally). It was such a fun experience and I enjoyed it. I was with children who were 4-5 years old. They say the funniest things. Afterwards I came home and tidied up a little more and got a chocolate rice krispie square made. Then Becky (my brother's fiance) came over and we talked and chatted and laughed a lot! While we were giggling away I made dinner. Cranberry Pesto Chicken with rice and mixed veggies. Becky had to leave because she was going to the VW meet ( a club for Volkswagen owners). She and my brother are members. Then B and I had a quiet evening and decided that this weekend we are going to head down to my hometown (Abbotsford) but then go beyond to Vancouver to check out some of the olympics' activities. So that's our lives in a nutshell for this week. I told you there were a lot of exciting things going on!

Well, until next time

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I know, I know, it's over. But it's still exciting none-the-less. Some of my single friends call Feb 14, Single Awareness Day. This is sad but funny at the same time. I have been there and I know how painful that day can be while it seems you're surrounded by nothing but lovey dovey couples. I remember being a server who served the lovey dovey time having to serve an ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend. Yeah, that wasn't awkward. And yes, that was on Valentine's Day too. I look back at that and smile because it made me who I am. I was still able to hope for that kind of moment with someone I love. After waiting for so long I have finally had my second best Valentine's Day ever!

Last year was my first best Valentine's Day. I had school that day (it was a Saturday) and then I met up with B at his brother's place to help move some stuff in. As we were unpacking B told me to get the stuff out of the front passenger seat. There was a flower in a vase and I started carrying it into the house when B's brother asked me what I was doing. I told him I was moving it into the house for him and he said, "that's not mine?". That's when B stepped in and said that it was for me for Valentine's Day. It was my favorite flower (an Orchid) and it was beautiful! Then we went and re-lived our first/second date. It was our first date without another person around. Our first date is worthy of it's own blog post. So I will do that at a later time. But we went for a long walk through mission Creek park. This is normally a wonderful walk, except on Feb 14 of 2009 it was cold and covered in ice. It was more of a cautious walk holding onto each other for support. We walked by another frozen couple who were having a picnic in the frigid weather. We laughed a lot and just really enjoyed each other. Afterwards we went back to my place and I made dinner. It was a fun day and full of love.

Than this Valentine's Day we were out of town. We went to Calgary for a friends wedding. It was beautiful and every part was full of love. I just love weddings! They make me so happy. (That was on Saturday). On Sunday we headed back to town and went to B's grandparent's house. I had his Grandma tell me the story of when they got engaged. So awesome! He had proposed to her through a letter. Can you imagine mailing an engagement ring? Can you imagine what it must have been like to have to wait for a response through a letter? You wouldn't have an immediate yes/no. Well, 62 years later means it must be working, in the famous words of B's Grandpa, "If it's not broke, don't fix it". I just love hearing people's love stories. Our Valentine's Day didn't end there, but I am not able to go into the details of the remainder of the night at this point.

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Single or coupled. It's a great day to reflect on all the love in our lives. To be Christ's Bride is romantic.

Until next time,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Love is in the Air

I was thinking today that blogs are funny things. They're like a diary that you invite others to come and read. So how personal can you get really when you know others are going to be reading it. Then there's also the pressure of being entertaining. You want people to like you, to enjoy reading your thoughts. Isn't that a strange thing? Just my random thought for today.

I am excited for the road trip we are going to take this weekend. I'm excited to watch a couple begin their marriage. It just makes me so happy. I'm a hopeless romantic. I have even been caught looking at wedding photo's of people I don't know. I just think it's heart warming and romantic. These two people so in love and ready to embrace each other for life. To walk through life holding hands through the thick and thin. I also really like this couple and it's exciting! They were at our wedding as boyfriend and girlfriend and now they are becoming husband and wife 6 months later.

I will try to remember to take pictures and post them. No promises. I have a short memory. In fact, B enjoys my short memory. If I get upset he's learned to just wait it out and about 10 mins after I will forget why I was upset in the first place and continue on. An example of this was at my Uncle's house. I was making myself some toast and Brenton walked into the kitchen and said, "Oh, I want jam on that". And I mumbled to myself about how this was my breakfast and how dare he, but as I was mumbling I proceeded to put jam on it and hand it to him while putting more bread into the toaster. My brother who was sitting there laughed at the ordeal and B was like, "It's ok, she'll forget about it in about 10 mins". I said I would not forget for the whole day. About 2 hours later we were walking through the mall and I asked, "What was it I was suppose to remember being mad about." They all laughed...then I did something miraculous, I remembered. I wasn't mad any more, but I remember that story because it was a challenge.

Anyways, all that to say that I'm very excited for the events of this weekend! It's also Valentine's Day on Sunday! How exciting!!! It's such a great day to stop and reflect on all the love in our lives.

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Walk in the Clouds

Happy Wednesday! Guess what? I went for a long walk with my cousin Lauren today. It was so much fun. We caught up with girl talk and had many laughs. We talked about important things like if we knew Ellen DeGeneres in real life how we would all be friends. I'm sure I've talked about this before, but I think we would really get along in real life.

Have you watched any of the Bachelor shows? This is something I find myself doing on Monday evenings, and I found out today I'm not the only one. In fact, the majority of my family watches this show on Monday evenings and everyone has a strong opinion on who they think he should choose. I am delighted to find this out because that just means we're having a family bonding moment even though we don't know it. It's a feel good moment. And also another matter of discussion during our walk today.

I have to say, although nothing really productive was done today, I feel accomplished. I feel good and I'm going to do some baking here right quick. I'm going to try my hand at Nanimo Bars and a Chocolate Rice Krispie cake. Wish me luck. Oh and I'm going to make our company approved chicken dish for dinner :) The salad is already made and the jello for dessert is too. I guess I really did accomplish a bit today.

Anyways, enough about me, how about you? How is your day going so far?


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Do You Think You Can Dance?

So here I am sitting again..but this time I'm sweaty. I can hear you now, "Why are you sweaty at 11:30pm" Well because I was playing dance dance revolution! That's why. I love that game so much. I've had it for a few years now and I just started playing it the right way the other day. Usually I would just put it right to the free play because I didn't understand the importance of playing it in the circuit. Well, I will have you know if you play it the long way you actually unlock hidden songs that then become available to you in the free play mode. Who knew? Probably everyone except me. But now that I know, I'm obsessed! It's so much fun and it makes me sweat which in turn makes me feel good because my endorphins are being released. It's like the feeling I get after a good roller blade ride in the summer. But since there is still so much gravel on the road it's not safe to roller blade yet this season. Soon though, my dear pets, soon I will be out there dancing and wiggling while on wheels. I guess I do do that now, but it's in my car and that just doesn't count.

Well I had a tragic moment today. I was mailed back my ECE registry package because I had a blond moment and didn't put enough postage on the thing. Grr!! I wanted it to be there already not coming back my way. I already know what's on it...I don't want to see it again! So tomorrow I'm going to the post office to put it in registered mail. Ahh!! As soon as I get it back I am able to apply to preschools and day cares. Do you see the importance of this? It opens a whole new world of possibilities. I just feel dumb when I make silly mistakes like that, which put me behind in my planning.

On a happy note I am so excited for Valentines Day coming up. Brenton and I are heading to Calgary on Friday to hit up our friends wedding. I hope to have a picture or two from that event to post on here. We will actually be in the car travelling back when Valentines Day is upon us and what a better place to be! I love going on car rides with my be-loved. We have so much fun and have a lot of quality time (which is my love language).

Well, it's way past my bed time. Until next time

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Their own world

Here I am sitting. Just sitting. Doing nothin' but sitting. Where am I going with this? No where, except that I had an idea to write about and as soon as I opened it up to write it down my mind went blank and so here I sit just waiting for that thought to come back to my mind. Do you ever have that happen? So I thought I would just type what I was actually thinking hoping that my original thought would reveal itself. Guess what? It just did!

For the last couple of days I was busy in a workshop learning how to be a behavior interventionist for children with Autism. It was so interesting to say the least. Each day was 6 hours of lecture and I could have sat there for so much longer. It heightened up my passion and excitement to work with children with special needs and now I'm on fire. Poor B, that's all he gets to hear about I thought I would give his ears a rest and come and tell you :) Aren't you lucky!

The thing that hit me most was that they said a child with autism could be compared to a child who is blind in a way. When they have to change their environment it is scary because it's not familiar. Think about it, a blind child would take the same path to school every day because they know it's safe. It's the same thing for a child who is Autistic. So for a "new" way of doing things it's unfamiliar and "unsafe" to them. They also don't read facial expressions, they need to hear tone in your voice, distinct tone and if they don't receive those than they don't see what's coming and it can be frightening to them. These children are anxious and cling to the familiar. I just think it's so interesting. Oh, the speaker was hilarious herself. She was so entertaining and to give you an example of one of the things she said here is one of her stories.

Her daughter has a learning disability and would get her b's and d's mixed up. After many months of trying to figure out how to tell her which side of the o the line goes on she said, "Ok, so d is for dog and the tail (the line) goes in the back. And b is for boy and the tail (the line) goes in the front. This may be crude but her daughter never forgot after that. She said it made her laugh each time she heard her daughter talking it through while doing her homework. haha.

I thoroughly enjoyed my two days at the workshop. I learned so much. I was able to pick up on some different techniques and also able to see some of them being implemented. All in all it was a great if only my neck would loosen up.

Oh and last night I went to the movie "Dear John". Super cheezy but I was in the mood for over the top cheese movie. So I enjoyed it. I was also more into it than the average person because it was centred around Autism. Just a great way to end the week

Until next time

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Almost Friday

Do you ever have those days when everything goes way better than you had imagined? I had one of those days today. It was awesome! I went to my first day of a two day Behavior Interventionist workshop. I could seriously listen about it all day(literally I did). I didn't even noticed the 6 hours go by. Suddenly it was just time to go and that was the end of day one. I was really excited to see the things they do with children with Autism(we got to see it first hand) and it really pumped me up. Is this weird? Maybe. But it's my passion to work with kids that need a little more extra attention than the "typical" child.

I came home totally fulfilled and excited once again. I came home with energy even though I had the worst sleep ever last night. I have a really bad knot in my neck that it woke me up every half hour through the night. Did you know that the show Golden Girls is on at 5am? Well now I do. It was a funny episode anyways. It's feeling a bit better now, but it's when I go to bed that it gets worse..I don't know if it's because when I'm asleep I'm not constantly using those muscles so they stiffen up. All I know is that turning my head or trying to switch positions is nearly impossible and I wince in pain. This has been happening since last Friday night and I'm about ready for it to leave now. This is not so uncommon with me. My neck does this about once a year. I'm pretty sure it's due to stress.

Anyways, I guess that's all I can say for now. Life if good!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

No Iron man here

Sorry I disappeared for 2 whole days. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I do have so much going on in my life I can understand why you're so upset. Please, let me catch my breath and I will catch you up on what's going on.

So remember how I've been really moody and tired lately? Well I found out why, and no sorry sister I'm not pregnant, but I do have a very low iron level. I find this weird since I love brussels sprouts and broccoli. I eat meat every day so how can this be possible? Well, it's a reality and I am going to do what I can to remedy it. I am taking some iron supplements and increasing my intake of dark green veggies, meat and nuts. I am glad that it got figured out and now maybe my energy level will increase back to normal. I find myself always tired and ready for a nap. Last time I checked I wasn't 96 so having to have a nap almost daily is just not right.

I'm also glad this was found out bef
ore B and I want to start having kids (which is not in the for-see-able future). It will just be something that will have already been taken care of when it does come time.

So yeah, this is getting a bit on the incredibly personal side, so let me switch it up a little. Today I took off to Penticton to apply to the school district there. I am determined to work with kids and won't give up. I know my dream, my calling. I sometimes don't understand why it doesn't seem to be working in my timing, but I know it will happen eventually. Patience is a virtue...I'm just not very virtuous. haha. Just kidding.

Well, the bed is calling me once again and it's time for me to go sleep. Until next time

