Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Entry #85 of 2010

So, according to my records it's been a long time since I last updated this blog. Not that I have another one (any more). Anyways, it's been a long few weeks. We bought the house and have been fixing it up for the last 3 weeks. We only got possession of it 2 weeks ago but thought we would do the good Samaritan thing and start cleaning up the yard. The neighbours are so very friendly. They have come and introduced themselves to us and told us how happy they are to see us. They also said that get ready for it because this neighbourhood takes it to heart that we are neighbours and have the occasional block party. I am so excited about this as I am a social butterfly to some extent. However B is more introverted so this did not appeal to him as much as it did to me. I guess it was in the middle east where I learned that I love open and friendly neighbourhoods. Over there they treat foreigners with such respect and hospitality. It really put me to shame. When they would say, oh I want to go to Canada to visit I was like, NO! Because after how they treated me I just knew that they wouldn't receive the same type of hospitality over here and I didn't want them to learn that our culture in comparison to theirs is so cold and distant, especially to foreigners.

Anyways, all that to say I love our new neighbourhood and I look forward to the block parties and the possibility of making middle eastern tea for my guests. The last 2 weeks have been such a blur. I think I finally rested for a couple of days last week, which made me feel bad because B's mom was hard at work for us and I was being such a slacker. But we got it all done and now we have moved the majority of our things over. One more load tonight and it will be finished. Than I will start the unpacking mode once our carpet has been put in which hopefully will be next week sometime. Once we are sleeping in our bed in our room it will feel real. At this point we are sleeping on a mattress in the middle of the living room and so it doesn't have the "At home" feeling quite yet. Still feeling a little bit like camping. The warmest camping ever in November.

That brings me to my next point. December is tomorrow! Can you believe it? Only 20 more sleeps until my Mom comes out to visit. Only 24 more sleeps until Christmas Day, only 29 more sleeps until Christmas with my Dad, only 16 more sleeps until the last day of work until Christmas vacation. Only 30 more sleeps until New Years Eve. I love December. For a countdown queen this is my favourite month.

Well, my health has taken a turn for the better. However, I'm being sent for some more tests in January and I will know by the end of January what exactly I'm dealing with. In the meantime I will be content with my new house!!! More than enough to focus on there! There will be pictures soon.

Oh and I would also like to point out that I have indeed kept my New Years Resolution from last year. My resolution last year was to make more blog updates this year than any other. This is entry number 85 of this year and in years past the most I ever blogged was 56. I can relish in having kept my resolution.

Have a fantastic day everyone.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This one is for my sister

Here is a quick update for my sister. There will be more in the next bit. Very busy with the events of life. But I will be back soon to update you properly.

A quick update on my last post, my body has gone back to normal and my health issues are subsiding! Woo hoo! And I'm no longer in such a funk.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Now What

Today was a good day. I woke up in a funk. Probably because I haven't been sleeping well since being back. I was up again last night at 3am. I am also extremely anxious about tomorrow. We find out if the house we've been pining over is ours or not. If it's not than I will be deeply sad because I really like this house. However, it's not the end all be all of all houses and life will go on. However, I am going to take my right and pout over it for a good week before moving on. This is my final answer.

I am also having a few health issues. I'm not going to get into it but this has also been troubling me and playing havoc with my mental well being. I just want everything to go back to normal. Hopefully things will be brought to light when I go to see a specialist in a the next few weeks. I am not going to say what it is or talk about it at all so please refrain from asking. Thank you in advance, I just needed to get that off my chest so I wasn't carrying it all alone again. Instead if you could just pray for a general health prayer that would be greatly appreciated.

I have noticed something within myself, it's no revelation by all means because I knew this about myself, just noticed it a lot more lately and want to maybe change it. I say maybe because it might become too hard the further in it goes. I've noticed that I don't open up. I don't talk about my feelings. I'm quick to listen to others pour out their hearts but in turn I am selfish with my troubles and thoughts. I don't care to share them, or think that I am strong enough on my own to deal with them. Or maybe I want to appear as though I'm happy all the time with no troubles, far from the truth. So maybe, just maybe I will start to pour out a little more....but like I said, this might not happen the deeper it gets right. Who wants to reveal their inner turmoil. Whatever, we'll see what comes.

Other than all that, today was a great day! I had one little fella that I worked with and he was a shining star today! He was so motivated to work and we just had a blast. The second little fella I worked with today was also a joy. He made me laugh as we kicked leaves outside and he giggled non-stop. So much fun! I love the fall.

Well, until next time
