Thursday, January 14, 2010

Got the ticket with no place to go

I feel like I bought the ticket, but there is no airplane. I have the skills, the knowledge and the heart but there doesn't seem to be anyone interested in hiring me. It's so discouraging. I'm an emotional wreck! I had to get out of the house today. So I wrote up a cover letter and resume and printed it off and away I went to be greeted with, "We're not hiring right now, but if you want to volunteer". Grr... Then I went off to the store and bought some veggies!

I love brussel sprouts! Love them! I use to have a big bowl of them for dinner and I was happy! Just before we got married B asked me if that's all we're ever going to be eating. haha. I don't force my weirdness on others so he's safe. And although it's not Friday yet we are having our "Ice Cream Friday" today. What is this you ask? Every once in a while we will have a big serving of ice cream for dinner. Not nutritious by any means but oh so tastey!

It's been a rough day, so why not, let's add some ice cream! Here's a happy picture to end off on =) Thank you for those of you who are praying!

1 comment:

white girl said...

Ice Cream Friday! I'm adopting that tradition!
