Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My taste buds are no longer mine

December 19, 2011

No more gummy bears for now. I really like gummy bears. I went to my new favourite cake decorating supply store (Bulk Barn) and loaded up on sprinkles for some cookies I want to make and while I was there the young girl was cleaning the lids to the bulk bins. Which means she was opening them and wiping down the lid. Well sensi-nose (that's what I call my nose when it's oober sensitive) picked up on the smell of the gummy bears and I was sold. (I was 2 aisles over that's how good my sniffer is right now). So I went and got a moderate amount (for real, it wasn't a crazy amount) and when I got home I was so excited to dig in. Well I did. I had 3. 3 gummy bears people and then I felt so gross. I didn't enjoy the taste. I was so mad at my taste buds, how dare they betray me this way! They're gummy bears!!! For this I blame the baby. There is no other explanation. So I am now taunted by a bag of gummy bears that my brain wants but my tongue rejects.

I find my sweet tooth is inconsistent. Sometimes I am loving sweets and at other moments I can't stand them. I am finding it's more like the little candies, baking and such that I don't like but chocolate is always acceptable. I don't know what that is all about. Ice cream is also an always do.

I am officially 16 weeks and my tummy has started to pop out. I really just look like I ate way too much for dinner - but all the time. I haven't gained any weight yet. Actually I've lost weight. My doctor was surprised when she did the weigh in and asked what my starting weight was. It was about 12 pounds heavier. Thank you morning sickness and exhaustion. She asked me what I was doing and I said, sleeping instead of snacking at night. Something I plan on doing after the baby is born (probably not the sleeping part - I'm not delusional) but the snacking late at night part.

We go for our next ultrasound on January 16 for our detailed scan. I am just excited to see the little kiwi again. I have felt a few little flutters here and there. 2 times for sure when it wasn't gas so I knew I was feeling baby. It's so neat. I'm excited for the moment when I feel it for certain and that B can feel it too. (I say that now but ask me if I feel the same way at 37 weeks when I'm just ready to have it out).

People have asked us if we are planning on finding out what it is. The answer is no. We had decided that if it were twins we would find out the genders but if it was a singleton we would wait and find out when it came out. (The medication I was on has a side effect of having multiples since it pushes out the eggs and since my body hoards my eggies there was a chance that this drug could push out more than one egg resulting in multiples). What we do know is that it's a baby and not a miniature wiener dog like my dreams tell me. So we will find out the gender when everyone else does. Well, we may have a few minutes to savour that moment of finding out before we tell others, you know...we'll see how it goes.

Earlier today (about 15 minutes ago actually) I was wrapping Christmas gifts and after I was done I was tidying up and I bent over to pick something up and suddenly acid reflex kicked in. I don't know if this is normal but I've heard that bending over gets harder and harder as time goes on. It feels like heartburn and it's not very comfortable. I'm just mentioning these things for myself really so I can look back and remember and also if I do get pregnant again it might be helpful to have something to refer to for "my normal". I don't know why I put that in captions but I did and I'm not going to change it. :)

Well, I think that's all there is to report for now. Until next time

1 comment:

White Girl said...

No gummie bears, wha???????
