Saturday, January 14, 2012

Crazy Dreams and Emotions

Dec 23, 2011

Weird dreams: Last night I had a nightmare/dream that I had a baby with 3 heads. It was very disturbing, so much so that when I woke up for my routine washroom break I chose not to go back to sleep. That was enough for one night. However now I have a wicked headache and I think it's because I didn't get enough sleep. But do you blame me? That was freaky! I think it was brought on by an article I read about a lady in brazil and how she had given birth to siamese twins where they share an entire body but each have their own head and own brain. I don't think it's wise to read these things 1. When you're pregnant and 2. Right before bed. I will share a link to the story so you can freak yourself out - oops - I mean - read it for yourself if you're curious. But I guess my brain decided to make the dream more dramatic and gave the baby 3 heads, cause 3 heads is better than 2? Crazy I tell you!

Here is the link: Just copy and paste

Also another thing I've noticed in the last few days is that I am extremely emotional first thing in the morning. I don't know why this is but the last 3 mornings I've found myself tearing up at the most ridiculous things. I laugh at myself on the inside because I know it's ridiculous but my outer self can't help it. It's so weird. This kid has taken over my body and now my emotions. Oh yoy I'm in for it I tell you.

I found out last night that my roommate from bible college is also expecting. How exciting. Even though she lives so far away it's neat that we are going through the same thing at the same time. So bizarre.

Well, that's all there is for now


White Girl said...

3 heads? That IS freaky - even when you aren't pregnant!

I didn't click on the link yet. I'm psyching myself up.

B-rantone said...

Don't read it right before bed, guaranteed to give you nightmares!!
