Sunday, January 08, 2012

Funny Commercials

As I watch TLC they have one commercial that comes into circulation and every time I laugh. It says, "As soon as you find out you're pregnant you think, there are so many stretch mark creams to choose from". Yes because that's exactly what I thought when I first found out. haha. So freakin' hilarious! I just find it so funny. Who writes this stuff? Did they actually sit in a room and brainstorm an idea and then come up with that and think it was a good idea? haha. Sometimes commercials are comical. And don't ask me which cream they were advertising because I never pay attention to that part because I'm too busy laughing.


White Girl said...

I think the problem is that they do sit in a room and brainstorm. The writers don't get out into the real world very much. haha

Michelle said...

Totally...they get locked into the room for days on end and aren't allowed to leave until they come up with an idea and after lack of sleep and drinking too much they come out with ideas like these and think, this is brilliant!!! Just sell it to who we have to present it to and it will be gold. haha. I like to imagine what it must be like...or maybe it was the night before a long weekend and they just said, put your idea in a hat and whatever we pull out will be what we do. And dumb bob's idea got drawn but they didn't care and just decided to go with it. Oh dumb bob, how does your idea get drawn so often? haha
