Saturday, January 21, 2012

All caught up - now we're on real time!

Wow, so today marks the first in a long time up to the minute blog update. This has not been pre-written. It's raw and it's real! haha. Not that the other updates were fake it just felt a little dis-engaged for a bit because I had written them a month or so before posting so I had to read them again to remember what I had been feeling at the time. Now though, we're back to real time!

This past week has been crazy busy. On Sunday I went to my friends goodbye dinner. (She's moving to Vancouver today - but because the roads are so bad she may have to wait a couple days). So I went over to her house and we had a delicious seafood lasagna. I've never had that before. It was super yummy. Her 4 year old niece was there and what a doll. She was so funny. I was wearing a skirt and she asked me to come look in her closet at all her pretty dresses. Than we had a dance party with her mom's cell phone ring tones. It was hilarious! My friend Erin called me over and asked me how things were going (she had known that we had been trying for a long time) and asked if we were still trying. I told her that right now we're not trying because I'm 5 months pregnant. (I had been wearing a huge sweater so you couldn't see my tummy and when I said it I unzipped the sweater so my bump was visible). She screamed and ran over and gave me a hug. It was super sweet.

Monday: We had our 20 week ultra-sound appointment. I woke up early so I could drink the litre of water that is required at a leisurely pace (last time I drank it too quickly and ended up loosing the water I needed to have in my bladder 5 minutes before having to leave). When we got there I was doing the dance. You know the one....that helps keep your bladder from exploding all over the waiting room. I was taken into the room (B had to wait out in the waiting room until the technician had finished gathering all the photo's she needed). During one of the photos she was having a hard time getting the angle she needed because kiwi was not cooperating. She apologized for having to press on my bladder and then she told me that I was getting kicked in the bladder too by little kiwi. Luckily while lying down it wasn't so bad. I told her that it might be a different story as soon as I stand up. When B came in we were able to watch the screen and see our baby being so active and jumping around. Kiwi is so cute. Sucking thumbs and doing fist pumps. I have started to feel baby ninja moves a lot in the last little while and they are becoming a lot more regular now. They really start up when I am singing to the kids I work with.

After our appointment I had to go to work (as if I could concentrate). Than that evening we went to Kelly O's to celebrate our friend Tom's birthday. It was really fun.

Tuesday: We had our regular day of work and then as soon as work was done we headed over to Jeff and Sarah's house to celebrate her birthday. It was fun. We were introduced to some of their friends that we hadn't met before and we played this really fun charades game. It was a 3 round game. At first everyone writes down 6 famous names (fiction or non-fiction). Than you're split into teams. The first round you're allowed to talk and give many clues, just can't say the name that's on the paper. Once all the names have been done you count up your points and return the names back to the bowl. The second round you are able to use only one word to describe the person and actions. The third round you're only allowed to do actions. It's really a funny game.

Thursday: Regular day at work and then we came home, I did a quick 30 second tidy and got ready for my two girlfriends to come over. We had chai wa halib. (Chai with milk). And we also had some cookies and other little snackies. After having a great chat we brought out the DDR (dance dance revolution). I only have one mat, meaning it's a one player game, and we decided that one person would be on the mat having their turn and the other two of us would be the back up dancers and we had a blast. We danced the night away joking that we are an awesome dance group and that the neighbours (if they were watching) were getting a great show!

The next day though, did I feel it. I believe I may have over done it. But what a way to do it. I am still learning that my body is no longer my own. My lower back had been killing me all day at work where it came around to the front of my body. I felt like a lame-O teacher. But we still had fun but once I came home I hit the pillow so fast.

This weekend (tomorrow actually), my side of the family is celebrating Christmas. I am making a gluten free lasagna with caesar salad and garlic toast(not gluten free). Well, it's been a fun and tiring week but it's been a blast. I will try to post some pictures soon.

Until next time,

1 comment:

White Girl said...

Fun week! Lots of parties and action! I love it :)
