Monday, January 16, 2012

First day back to work after Christmas Break

January 2, 2012

Today was my first day back to work. A day too soon in my opinion. However, it was really weird. My first little person didn't show up and I later found out that he had cancelled on Friday just that someone forgot to tell me. (grr...precious sleep in time denied). Than came lunch time and I had brought a can of vegetable soup. I'm trying to stay away from canned goods because of the BPA that's in them. (Not good for Baby) plus it was really an uninspiring lunch so I opted to go and grab a pita instead. Hello Lettuce/Tomatoes and Pineapple!! (there were many other veggies in there too but with those 3 ingredients my tummy is one happy place). I brought it back to work and ate half of it. It was huge! The other half I had as a salad for dinner since the pita itself had gotten really soggy. I can't stand soggy bread! It was equally as delicious.

My second session I worked with this one little girl who is new to me. She's a lot more high functioning than any of the other kids I've worked with. It really threw me off my game. I almost didn't know how to do my job with her. By the end I felt ok with how our day went. Today was a day of just getting to know each other and the expectations were pretty low since this was our first time interacting with each other. By the end of the day she had asked if we could play babies. I agreed as soon as we were done one game (my choice) than we could do her choice. She was quite deliberate with her play. Getting things ready for the baby. She said, the baby comes in two weeks. So we got some other things together and then I asked her, how long now until the baby comes? She said one week. So I got her to act out the story Billy Goats Gruff (one of the things we are to work on), than the baby would come. So as soon as the story was done she said she had to go to the hospital. I said, oh to pick up the baby? And she said, "No, the baby is still in my tummy". I was like oh you're going to go have the baby. And she said, "yep, I'll be back in 2 hours". I laughed. That would be awesome if it worked that way! haha. She was a lot of fun to work with and I think it's going to be a fun few months! (Our schedules change every 3 months or so with the slight adjustment monthly.)

Over all it was a great first day back to work but was I tired when it was over. Actually at about 2pm I had hit a wall of tiredness. After work I decided I would go grocery shopping to pick up some things for lunches. Forgetting that everyone and there dog would be there because they were on their last day of holidays and were now in a mad rush to get things for their kids' lunches. Dagnabit! Seriously the shelves and the produce section looked like it had been ransacked. Barely anything left. People were pushy and not friendly. I purposefully bopped up and down the aisles to the little tune I had in my head. Or I would dance and sing along to the song that was playing over the speakers in the store. I try and make grocery shopping pleasant for myself and if I can make one person smile I feel as though it's been a success. When I got to the milk I noticed that most people were taking the 2 litres rather than the 4ltr. I looked and saw that the front crates were empty, but behind them sat full crates with 4 litre milk jugs. So I pulled out the empty crate that was in front and put it on the bottom shelf and grabbed a jug and went on my merry way. (After I put a crate away that a lady had put on the floor in the middle of the aisle because that makes sense - I even said loudly, "Don't worry I'll put this away for you". I just found it funny that the aisles are full of people and she just left it in the middle for someone else to deal with. It's not hard to put it at the bottom - is this not common knowledge? Anyways, when I got to the check out a lady looked at my cart...then looked away, then she looked again eyeing up something in the bottom part. Than she asked, "Did you just get that milk jug?" I explained to her how I had just gotten it and it was because they were hiding behind the empty crates. I told her if she wanted to run back and get one I could hold her spot in line. She was very happy (got my smile!) and she went and grabbed her milk. I tell you, I will not go shopping on a holiday again, that was nuts! The line ups were all the way to the aisles at all the check outs. (They had about 9 open - not counting the self check outs - there's 6 of those).

I came home and told B about my adventures for the day. He was busy in the basement doing stuff and then I came up stairs and watched the first episode of this season's Bachelor. Oh it's going to be a good season full of crazies!

Well, until next time

1 comment:

White Girl said...

I love how you make it your mission to make someone smile during those crazy shopping days!
