Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Soccer Player?

January 14, 2012
Ok, I haven't written any new updates for a a month because I've been dependant on all my last posts to fill in the gap and then I'm like, oh yeah I guess I'm going to need some current stuff on here too. As I only have 3 more pre-written posts left I thought I should get caught up on what has happened in the last month...well..more like 3 weeks.

Last week I felt my first real jab. I was bending over to pick something up and I guess I was squishing little kiwi and he/she jabbed me. It was a neat feeling. I have felt a lot of movement in the last few days. It's definitely in there. On Thursday morning at work we were singing the good morning song and the baby was dancing around in there, so active. I told my tummy later that we will not be singing that song once it comes out. I've been singing it 3 times a day, 5 days a week for almost 2 years. (Well, the other two times during the day we sing good afternoon, instead of morning, but it's the same song and I'm so over it!) So no, that is not a song to get excited over kiwi because I don't think after these next 5 months you'll ever hear it again.

Yesterday, Friday the 13th, I had a maternity appointment. I don't know why but in the last month I've been feeling very uneasy and worriesomeabout baby. Having terrible nightmares that something has gone wrong. So when she found the baby and it kicked the doppler I was relieved and full of laughter. That's my kid! Kicking the doppler. The doctor said, "It seems you may have a soccer player in there". She found baby's heartbeat and soon after the baby punched the doppler. She said, "it's very active!" I have my next ultrasound on Monday and she had told me that if they had a hard time getting the images they needed because baby's so active they may get me to come back in another month to try again (when baby's bigger and has less room to move around in). She also told me that my insides (uterus) is higher than where it would be at 19 weeks and that's it's already in a 21-22week stage. I don't really know what this means but I do know it means baby has a lot more room to be active in. I will be 20 weeks as of tomorrow. That's half way already! I told my friend I hope the second half goes slower than the first half and she said it only speeds up. YIKES! It's already going so fast. I asked my doctor if it's a concern that I haven't gained any weight yet. She said that it's fine right now, but if the baby doesn't seem to be growing than we have issues. But she said I'm doing very well, yay! I love words of affirmation!

Last night I had such a wackadoodle dream. I dreamt that I bought somelingerie and when I got to the till she told me that it was going to be $983. I was like, what? What did I buy? And she said, well if you sign this form saying you won't use any fast food coupons than your total will only be $40. I was like, yeah I'll sign it. Thinking there's no way you can follow up on that. As soon as we left the store my sister asked me if I wanted to go to McDonalds. I was like, yeah! And away we went...than I woke up. It was so weird!

Well, that's about all there is for now
Sweet dreams,


White Girl said...

Welcome to motherhood! The worry starts now and it will never stop. It's one of the badges of being a mama. You've been officially initiated. Welcome!

Want to go to McDonald's to celebrate? I've got coupons! haha

Michelle said...

Haha! I would love to go to McD's with you!!! As long as you use the coupons and not me I think that's still ok ;) haha.
