Sunday, January 01, 2012

Give me salt and vinegar chips and no one gets hurt

November 10, 2011

As long as I have salt and vinegar chips in the house I'm a happy girl. As soon as I feel the least bit nauseas I have one or two (doesn't take much) and I feel so much better. It's like a little miracle secret. I usually have the salt and vinegar chip and chocolate milk craving during my period but I guess baby likes it too. I take my prenatal vitamin with chocolate milk because it's the only way to keep it down.

Today I had to leave work early because I was feeling so sick. I don't think it's pregnancy related today though. It's much different that morning (or in my case evening) sickness. I have my stomach in my throat and I have major tummy ache and (tmi) the runs. It's not been a fun day. I came home and went to sleep for a solid 4 hours and when I woke up I still felt just as yucky. It felt like I was going to lose my cookies or pass out anytime I stood up. Any time I moved I just felt miserable. So I think I may be fighting a bug or something. I hope it passes soon and that it doesn't affect baby too much.

I watched the Baby story yesterday and sobbed through the entire thing. (I think the hormones have kicked in). There was one episode where the girl was extremely whiney and I asked B if he thought I would be like that. He said yes. haha. I'm not opposed to drugs during labour. After my HSG test and the major pain that brought on as the dye came out (bringing out anything that was blocking my tubes) I decided right than and there that my plan for an all natural birth was a nice thought but not necessarily going to be the route we take. I came out of that experience a little more open minded in that I'm just going to take it step by step when that times comes. I'm not going to be down on myself if I decide to get an epidural nor am I going to be terribly upset if the time comes and they say it's safer to get a c-section. I am just going to go in with an open mind, an open heart and as long as baby and I are safe and healthy that's all that matters. Thank you HSG for opening my mind. (I remember during that experience I said, if this is anything like labour at least you get a baby at the end and I would want drugs!) So dramatic I know.

Well that's where I stand at this point. I am so looking forward to Monday November 14! That is when I have my first maternity appointment. I don't know what to expect but I'm pumped.
Until the next update.
p.S. I'm so looking forward to being able to actually post these posts. It's hard to not just push "publish post" All in good time.


White Girl said...

From watching Baby Story, I've come to theorize that women who go into the labour experience with firm expectations and set ideals (no epidurals! no c-sections!) are the ones that have the worst time. The ones that are relaxed about the whole thing tend to have an easier go, and often don't have added complications needing pain medication and surgical intervention. I think that the body is such a complex machine and labour so intensive that any bit of added stress and tension really effects things. I think you have a wise approach to the whole thing. I can't wait to meet this new little person!!

Lauren said...

I love reading all your blog posts from the past posted in the future haha...I was confused for a bit, but I understand now. After Skyping with you tonight I was wishing we could just hang out and have hot I figured the next best thing was reading through heaps of your posts haha. I love you and just get even more excited every time I hear you talk about baby! You're going to be the best mom, especially knowing how much of a blessing you know baby is, and knowing the journey you've had to take. Ah. Exciting.
