Monday, May 03, 2010

Mexico day one

Well we're back from the wonderful world of Mexico. It was an awesome trip. Many adventures were had and lessons learned for next time. Our adventure started early in the am on
Saturday morning. When we arrived at the airport we ended our stay in Canada with of course, Tim Hortons. We joked that this should become a new family Saturday morning tradition. Just meet at the airport early in the morning for breakfast at Timmy's. The flight there was delightfully uneventful. Once we landed we were given the warning of not allowing anyone to take your bags for you or you will have to tip. Well..what do you know as soon as we walked out the door a man grabbed our bags and wouldn't give them back to me. I looked to B for some support and also being stunned by this guy allowed him to walk our bags the 15 steps to our bus. Once we arrived at our bus this guy looked to us for a tip. I didn't have any cash on me and B didn't have anything less than a $20 we just looked at him. He looked at us, we looked at him some more. It was an awkward stare down. But eventually the guy turned around and walked away. Sorry guy!

Afterwards we hopped on a bus and headed to our resort. It was bliss! The humidity was enough to suck the breath out of you. The heat was intense. The best ingredients for a perfect vacation in my world. We got settled in our rooms and met up with the family for dinner. The first evening we went to the buffet and it was so good. After dinner we went for a walk around the resort getting acquainted with our new home. The end of the evening ended with a walk along the ocean shoreline and jumping in the waves. A great beginning of our trip!

There will be more to come, but that's enough for now. I gotta leave you hanging for more don't I? :)


Mandi Bartel said...

that bag thing happened to us too at the airport. we also did not tip. i felt a bit bad, but we didn't have any small cash on us...oh well!!

I look forward to your recount of Day 2 aka Sun vs. Skin Day :)

white girl said...

Finally, an update! B's afternoon routine will be complete. :) hee!

white girl said...

what happened to my previous comment? Weird.

Anyway, in case it doesn't show up... I SAID, "Finally, an update! B's afternoon routine will be complete. heee!"

Maybe I should have "heee'd" louder so that blogger would let my comment stand. Sheesh.

white girl said...

Oh there is my first comment. Drrr.

Amy said...

Day 2, Day2~!!!

What a cliff hanger!

