Friday, May 07, 2010

Inside Day - remember these at school..totally loved them!

Day 3....hahahahaha...I laugh because I remember day 3 very well. Both B and I slept in until about 10am. It was glorious! When we awoke we realized that we both looked like freaks and exposure to the sun would only be bad. We were bright red, like lobsters (no exaggeration). We decided this would be a good day to stay in and watch tv, read a book, relax, and just hang out with each other. It was painful. We borrowed a bottle of Aloe Vera lotion from Trav and Mandi and continued to put it on over and over and over. (By the end of the week we had used about 1/2 the bottle - we owe them a new bottle -) Every time I put it on though I would cringe. My leg would do this little temper tantrum as though it were a toddler fighting for Independence. It was a terrible pain. It was like pins and needles if that gives you any indication on how uncomfortable it was. However, it wasn't as bad as I've had in the past so I really couldn't complain.

It was an overall really relaxing day. B's family, however, did get concerned because we hadn't revealed ourselves to the outside world for the entire day. When they came to check on us they were really worried that we hadn't emerged for breakfast or for lunch. But don't worry we hadn't starved...we still had snacks left over from our initial journey. (This is why it's important to pack a crazy amount of snacks for your flight). You never know when you might get burned in Mexico and will need it to survive a day in your hotel room.

*Boys don't read this next paragraph* If you do though, you can't blame me because I did warn you.

Do you know that commercial dealing with "Mother Nature". You know the one when she shows up on the tropical beach thinking she's totally going to ruin the girls vacation. But the girl turns it around on Mother Nature and shows her that she brought a supply of girl things to take care of it? Well this totally happened on Day 3! haha. It was like that commercial came to life for me. I kind of laughed and boy was I glad I packed "EVERYTHING" I might need for such an event.

Overall Day 3 was a welcomed non-eventful, relaxing day! Just what was ordered...except for the burn part.

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