Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Weekend

It's Friday, it's Friday! I'm so excited it's Friday (can you hear me singing it?) Yesterday while I was playing Grounders (a tag game on the playground) I would constantly be "it". Especially when the kids who HATE being 'it' got tagged I would make myself very easy to tag. Anyways, I'd be it quite a lot and decided to change things up a little every time I got tagged. I would count to ten in a sing-songy type of way and then say who I was going to try to tag. It was fun especially since half the time my eyes were closed (if you're on the playground equipment your eyes have to be closed, but if you're on the ground you can keep them open. And if you hear someone on the ground and yell out "Grounders" while they're still on the ground they become 'it'. It's a lot of fun.) All that to say that my first sentence being sung reminded me of my day yesterday.

I'm so happy it's Friday. But not only Friday, but the beginning of the LONG weekend! Can I hear a woot woot? I'm really excited for this weekend. B and I are going to be looking at 4 houses tomorrow. We are house looking but in no rush. We just want to see what's out there. I'm excited to see the houses, it's so fun to go into a place an allow your imagination go wild with decorating ideas. I don't know about you, but I love house reno and house finding shows. I'm addicted. This wasn't so before our Mexico trip, but on the plane I got hooked and poor B that's all he seems to hear about lately. His one co-worker warned him about this, telling B of his adventure when he allowed his wife to start dreaming and searching. He warned him that once they start dreaming they almost become obsessed. I wouldn't say obsessed, but I would say deeply taken. I love to dream. I'm a daydreamer always allowing my imagination to just go and I must say it's a lot of fun.

Man I'm a rambler today. So many words, but really no deep and meaningful message. I'm giddy too...that's never a good combo...haha, it's going to be a good day.

Happy long weekend everyone! Enjoy your Friday!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I'm happy it's Friday too! Still on for tonight? It should be a bike ride - too nice outside to be inside AND it's not raining :)
