Thursday, December 22, 2011

That was Wednesday

Good morning! I slept in today until 8:30!!! Woot!! So exciting! I am getting way to use to this Christmas break thing, I think I've had a nap every single day so far. I better not get too use to that or going back to work is going to be a rude wakeup call. I am kind of excited to go back to work because I have a brand new schedule with a lot of kids I've never worked with before. It's going to be hard at first (coming up with a bag of tricks per kid) but a lot of fun and it will definitely get my mind racing with creativity. I'm really in shock that I don't have 2 specific kids on my schedule since I've had one for a year and the other a year and a half. It's going to be so weird to not be with them. I am excited to see how they blossom with other BI's though. (I will still see them, just won't be one on one with them).

Yesterday was a fun day. I woke up (way too early - hence the needing a nap later in the day) and I worked on my sewing project. I thought I had sort of figured it out but because the step included cutting some of the fabric I wanted to make sure I had it right. So I took the pattern and my project to the fabric store to ask someone that has some experience. Boy am I glad I did! I didn't have it on correct, in fact I had it on upside down. It took the lady a good while to figure out what the pattern was saying too so I didn't feel so dumb. But once we figured it out it was like, that was the most unclear instructions in the world and the dang illustration was no help whatsoever. In order to get the collar on properly you had to pin and sew it in an upside down fashion so that when you flipped it over it was in the right direction. (see my instructions are so much more clear than the patterns). Geez! Who writes those things any ways? It doesn't need to be in code. Oh and have I mentioned how much I love youtube? For every new stitch they announce I'm like what does that mean? So I go onto youtube and watch a tutorial! Thank you random ladies for making those for people like me!

Anyways that was only part of my day yesterday. I also went for lunch with my beautiful sister-in-law Becky. We first started out by going to Milestones. First we battled the parking lot madness (it shares a parking lot with the mall). Than when we finally got a spot we walked inside and the hostess told us it was going to be at least a 25 minute wait. (Yikes, my tummy was already growling) so we decided to go downtown to the Bread Company since Becky had never been there before and they also offer a gluten free menu. So we headed down that way. We had a yummy lunch(never disappointed there) and then headed off to do some shopping. It was really fun hanging out. She told me about work a little bit and we just had a really good time! I miss seeing her as often as I use to when I lived on the other side of the lake. (We call it coming to your country when we come to each other's house because we technically have to cross a body of water to get there and some days it seems so far even though it's only like 40 minute drive).

Than I came home at about 3:30. By 4 I had crawled into bed and had a hearty nap. When I woke up I picked up my sewing project and decided to tackle it. I started to look at it and got confused all over again. Now how did we say this would work? I fiddled and then I got frustrated so I went to my facebook to distract myself for a bit. Than I got really determined and finally figured it out. As soon as I had the answer I did the sticking of the pins and ran (ok, briskly walked) to the sewing machine and sewed it before it fell out. haha. I am proud to say the top is complete! YAY! Today I will tackle the skirt and attach it to the bodice and do the hem and it shall be complete!

Today I also plan on making some sugar cookies and I'm going to try my hand at royal icing. I've never made it or worked with it before. Another adventure to encounter. Also on lists of things that need to be done today would include Christmas shopping for the B and than I can say I'm done (until January anyways).

Until next time,

1 comment:

White Girl said...

Yay for conquering the collar! I love YouTube too. There are so many tutorials on so many different topics. I love it. And yay for naps! I love naps. I should have one.
