Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 2 of the Christmas break

Christmas is just around the corner. Day 2 of Christmas break was also very productive. I drove B into town for a massage appointment and then afterwards drove him to work. I went and did one errand (Fabricland because I needed a special type of material for my dress) -that's another story. I went back to B's work after my errand and picked him up and we went to the insurance place to get insurance put on the car that we are going to use/take care of for the next 3 months. (It's his Grandparent's car). When that was all done we went for lunch to Arby's (B's dad was with us too). After lunch I drove B back to his work and I went on errand central. I had first class tickets. First stop was the mall. I was on a mission for a very specific Christmas gift for the name B had picked for Christmas this year. I ended up going to over 6 stores (not just in the mall - actually only 3 of them were in the mall). I also wanted to get a headband that I had seen that would go nicely with my dress that I'm making :)

After all was said and done I had filled over 2 hours of running around and tracking down some of the last shopping that I had to do. I just have one more to shop for and Christmas shopping is done (well until after Christmas - my family is not celebrating until January). That's about all there is to report. It doesn't seem like that much was accomplished but I feel productive.

Fabricland story: I think that the outside of the pattern should tell you that you need interfacing so that when you're already in the store the first time you can pick it up and not have to make a special trip over the lake just to get some. Grr. So I got to the store and asked the first lady I saw (that worked there) if she could point me in the direction of interfacing. As I headed over there I was overwhelmed with the amount of interfacing there was to choose from. What?! Isn't there just the one, my pattern only calls for one - one that can be fused onto your fabric...simple one step interfacing. So I found the closest lady who works there and told her my dilemma and she was so nice and patient with me and walked me through it. I picked out a piece and we got it cut and I was on my way. Now I'm procrastinating on getting back to it cause yesterday I had already sewn the pieces together, thinking that maybe I could skip that whole step, but alas as soon as I saw it on the garment I decided, I don't think I can skip that part, so now I'm really just procrastinating from pulling out stitching. So yeah, that is my rant - pattern companies, from me to you, you need to put all the things you're going to need for that pattern on the outside of the pattern to save an extra trip back to the fabric store.

Well, that's all there is to report for now.

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