Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Happy Wednesday Ramblings

Whew, taking another break because well, I moved a couple of things in the cupboard that that seemed to be enough to warrant a break.  I find myself getting tired or out of breath so quickly and with as big of a to do list as I have for the next few weeks I didn't account for that, so it might not all get done.  Oh well, I'm sure Kiwi won't mind if the top of the cupboards get cleaned or not.  Although that is on my to do list for today :)  As soon as I get my next wind I think I will conquer it so that it's just done!  And then I get to put a beloved check mark beside it indicating one more thing checked off my list.  I have two or 3 more meals to make and then the cooking part of my to do list will be done as well.  I figure going into summer we can get away with a lot of bbqing and picnic type food, so I'm not going too crazy in the frozen hot meal department.  But the baking, that's another story.  Because muffins are such an easy food to grab for breakfast I went a little crazy in that area.  I'm sure I won't regret it though.  

Next Tuesday after sign language class B and I are going to get our maternity photos done.  A couple of months ago I went to a baby fair and won the draw for 50% off a maternity photo shoot.  I am pretty excited.  Hopefully Kiwi doesn't make an early debut, I guess than we can just turn it into a newborn photo shoot.  But it doesn't appear that Kiwi is quite ready as he/she hangs out near the top of my belly still.  Her/his head is down and in the proper position, but just hasn't dropped yet, which is fine by me.  Although the heartburn last night might make me reconsider that last thought :)   

Alright, so I got my wind back but instead of doing the top of the cupboards I swept the floor, which brings us to another break.  I seriously can't believe how quickly my energy depletes.  I knew that I would get more tired in the last weeks but I'm surprised at how fast it comes on.  

There, now I don't have to worry about Kiwi coming home and saying, "the top of the cupboards are so dusty!"  They are now nice and clean, not that you can even tell since they're so high up.  What is with this irrational type of cleaning?  Oh well, I guess I can rest now knowing that they are clean.  So weird.  And putting that check mark beside, "Clean top of cupboards" felt pretty good!  

I can't do the next cleaning duty until B gets back home from LA.  Cleaning behind the fridge and stove.  The cleaning part I can do, but the moving them out of the way part I will need help with.  Did you know that when we first moved in I had never painted a wall before, so the painter let me paint one wall, and that is the wall that is behind the oven.  So I'm kind of excited to pull the oven out and clean behind it and see my master painting job!  haha.  I was also granted permission to paint one of the closets in the spare room, so whenever you come to stay you now know that I painted that closet! 

I am excited, I'm going for a dinner with a friend of mine to the Mad Mango!  I believe I mentioned this place on here before. It's so yummy, very small and super duper affordable! Plus I get to visit with one of my close friends!  How better can the day get?!  I hope you're having a fabulous Wednesday!!

Until later, 

P.S. Why does spell check say the word "bbq" is spelt wrong.  You would think this would have been updated a long time ago as a proper spelling.  Just saying.  It was my only wrong spelt word in this post and I'm kind of ticked because it's not spelt wrong. 

Random rant over.

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