Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring cleaning continues

I am in the middle of cleaning windows and blinds and needed to sit down and rest. I only have 3 windows left and I really just want to get them done. But I am listening to my body and it told me to rest for a few minutes. I'm still surprised at how quickly I'm getting tired. I use to be an energizer bunny...not any more I guess. It's super windy here today. So much so that it knocked a tree over onto a car (not on our street, but downtown in an industrial area). Crazy! I feel bad for the owner of that car, that can't be a great way to start the day.

My birds are so stinkin' hilarious! As soon as Inigo goes for a fly around blue bird follows. Only that blue birds wings are clipped from being in the store, so he goes to fly and slowly flutters to the ground. It's sad really but really funny at the same time. They really like each other and have started chirping a lot! Earlier today Inigo kept running up to blue bird, lifted his one foot, put it on blue birds back and pushed. He did this about 3 times. Such an older brother already.

Also baby started kicking a lot when the birds were getting really loud. I don't know if the two are related but I'm hoping that baby is getting use to the sounds of the house so when he/she makes their debut it won't be too shocking.

Tomorrow marks the day that we will paint the animals in the nursery. They are all drawn now and Cameron did an amazing job! It is very impressive! All the furniture is set up and ready to go and now I just have to start getting things for the baby. You know like diapers and clothes. I have a few outfits but I realized they are all 3-6 months or older. So it's not really going to work for when baby first arrives. haha. We're going to have a naked baby! Did I also mention on here that we already have our stroller and car seat? It was so weird when we first brought it home because both B and I just stared at it like it was an alien. We have no idea who let us grow up. And now that the nursery is put together it's really weird. I am really liking it though. Crazy to think that in 8 -11 weeks baby could be here. I know baby could also be late and I'm prepared for that, I think I'm more prepared for baby to be late than early. The thought of having baby early scares me. At the same time I hope baby is not too late because I have family going to be in town from very far away and would love them to meet kiwi, but their time here in town is limited so I'm really praying that baby will be here before they have to go.

The blinds are all done! You didn't even notice that I left did you?! Ha! I'm just that good. Those were probably the most satisfactory feeling blinds to clean because they were the dirtiest and so there was immediate rewards in seeing them clean! I love that feeling! So weird. I'm just rambling now.

B's out of town for work until tomorrow night at mid-night. I miss him. He sent me a photo yesterday of his left over sushi and claimed it to be the best sushi he's ever had. *grumble*. I have already made it clear that my first meal after delivery will be sushi. I've researched that it's ok to have sushi when breastfeeding (but to not over indulge in tuna), it's just not safe while pregnant. Which is ok, I just miss it.

Well, that's all there is to report for today
Michelle and kiwi signing out!


Sheila-Mama said...

What color is Kiwi's room? What animals did Cameron draw?

Arrival of family this summer..how exciting :)

It was windy here to today...got a mouthful of dirt...ick

Michelle said...

Very light/sky blue is the room colour. We have a Lion, a giraffe, a monkey and an elephant.

Very exciting to see family this coming summer. It's going to be a good one.

You should stop eating the dirt. I don't think that can be that good for you ;)
