Friday, March 16, 2012

Inigo has a brother, blue bird

So I got Inigo a brother yesterday. His current name is blue bird while we figure out what we actually want to name him. We are going to give it a few days to see what his personality plays out to be. Right now the poor little guy is a little overwhelmed. Inigo has taken to him though. At first he was very dominate, going to the extreme of standing on blue birds back and fluffing himself up to appear larger than he is. Now he likes to go right up to him nuzzle his beak and then literally run away across the perch. It's actually hilarious to watch. Blue bird just slowly inches away. I think it was the right decision though because they seem like they will get along just fine once the initial shock of each other is complete. I love how they sit on the very top perch looking at each other with really quiet chirps. They are so cute!!

I also stopped at fabricland and found the material I've had my eye on for a long while on sale. 75% off so of course I bought it. I was so excited! I bought some yellow and some green to make a baby blanket. I will post photos of the finished product once it's done. I'm hoping maybe by the end of the weekend or by the end of spring break for sure. It's super soft fabric. One side is going to be yellow the other side green, so get this, it will reversible. I'm so pumped! Can you tell?!

Let's see, what else is there to report? I think that's about it for today my friends! Here is a 28 week picture for your viewing pleasure. I think I'm getting huge already! I find myself winded by the time I get to the top of the stairs and last night marked the first night I couldn't find a comfortable position in our bed so I went and made myself a pillow fortress in the guest room and found my way into a dreamaphoric state. It was blissful!

Until next time,

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