Thursday, March 15, 2012

the BBB and spring cleaning

Last night we had the BBB B's birthday Bash (his second one cause we went out for dinner when we were in Calgary). This party was pretty low key as it was ice cream cake. I totally misjudged how much one cake would feed our group (of 12 people) and bought two cakes under B's direction. Well, we didn't even finish off the first cake so now I have another birthday cake in the freezer as well as 2 pieces from the first. We will have no issues filling my ice cream cravings for the next 3 months. I would say, this is perfect for the next birthday that comes along, except that on the cake it says, "Happy Birthday Brenton". Um...that's not going to work for anyone else...unless their name is also Brenton.

Now today I am procrastinating from doing the spring cleaning duties I have set up for myself. At first I had "windows and blinds" as my cleaning duty for the day but since it's such a gloomy day I did not feel very inspired to clean them so I decided to trade it with baseboard day. But again I find myself not really inspired to do it. Probably cause yesterday was such a productive day that I find myself being really lazy today. I did walk around with the drywall guy and try to answer any of his questions (which I suck at because I really have no clue).

Kiwi did not wake me up last night. I think I also only had 2 washroom breaks through the night. So crazy. I must have been tired. I also slept in past 9:30. That's just crazy talk yo! At first when I woke up I thought something must be wrong because there was no dance party at 5:30. However, as soon I was awake for 5 minutes kiwi started to kick and squirm and my worries were put to rest.

On Tuesday my doctor did my regular belly check and said everything looks good. She also told me that if I hadn't felt baby move in a while to have a sugary snack or soda and wait for 15-20 minutes. I think my doctor is so funny! Such funny advice from a doctor I thought. But it does work, I can tell you this from after eating ice cream cake last night!

Well, I guess that's all there is to report for now. Until later

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