Saturday, October 01, 2011

Fall has come

Fall has officially began. It's October first and delightfully miserable outside. I love the colours of fall and the things it entails. I am excited that it's less than 3 months until Christmas and yes I have already started doing my Christmas shopping. It's such a fun time of year. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. It's only one week away. Is it me or did it come super early this year? The states don't celebrate theirs until November and it seems to me that we usually celebrate it closer to the end of October than the beginning, but maybe I'm mistaken. I'm just babbling now.

Yesterday at work I was working with a little ray of sunshine and he made me laugh. He was introduced to one of the new OT's and she has a thick accent. He was looking at pictures of elmo being in/on/under/between...etc-learning prepositions. She said, "which picture is unda" (her acccent) and he stopped and looked at her and said, "It's not unda, it's under!" It was so flippin funny! The kids I work with are hilarious! They have such sweet personalities and such funny humour! I am really loving my job and this year it seems to be so much more relaxed than last year. It wasn't until they changed the layout of the day this year that I realized just how stressful last year was. When you're in the midst of it you don't see how bad you are struggling until you are out of it and able to look back into the storm.

I am feeling fresh and revived this year so far. I am feeling more confident in my job. I feel like I'm asking more questions and understanding the answers. My mind is so much more clear this year than it was last year.

Medical update: my body has finally started to respond to the prescriptions I'm on and is slowly returning to normal. This is such an answer to prayer! My mind is feeling more clear and I'm joyful again!

Sorry it's taken me so long to write an update. I have had a few on my mind, just finding the time to actually sit down and write them is where I'm having difficulty. I will try to make October my largest updating month so far this year. That is my goal.

Time to go curl up under a blanket and read or watch a movie, or put a photo album together

Until next time,


Sheila said...

Woo hoo you're alive & an update

Glad you are feeling better

See you in a few

white girl said...

Yay! An update! It's about time - I've missed you!

I'm glad that your job is such a source of joy for you and you are feeling so confident in your abilities! You rock!

Also, so happy about the body doing as it should and the clear mind. Woot!!
