Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Year End Countdown has begun

Halloween is coming this way. Only 5 more sleeps until the big day. What are you dressing up as? This summer I tried my hand at sewing and made a really cute dress except once it was together I realized it would make a much better costume than a wear out and about dress. Why? Because the fabric is small blue and white checkered. It's really cute, but it looks like a Dorothy from Wizard of Oz or a Little Bo Peep dress. So that is what I'm going as for halloween. I just have to finish the hem and it will be complete. I also need to find some red shoes and white leggings(there's no way I'm wearing a dress to work without leggings or pants on underneath). That will be the mission this weekend! I do choose to accept.

I'm really looking forward to Halloween this year because it's the first year B and I will have trick or treaters at our door. We've lived in the condo for the first two years and even though we had a bowl of candy ready in case the children of the building knocked on our door, never did we get one knock. This year we're guaranteed to get many kiddos. I'm so excited!

Well, that's about all there is to report for today
til next time

Countdowns are as follows:

5 more sleeps til Halloween
52 days until Christmas Break
60 days until Christmas
2 months until Boxing Day
70 days until New Years Eve


Sheila said...

Dressing up B as ToTo? lol

White Girl said...

You have to post a picture of yourself in the costume!

Make sure to say hi from Charlie and Lola to all the little trick-or-treaters that they know!
