Thursday, August 18, 2011

Call Backs

A couple of days ago I got a call from my work. "You're coming back, FULL TIME" Woot!!!! I didn't know if I was going to get called back at all (seeing as at the beginning of the summer they didn't have enough kids signed up to call everyone back at that point) and now I've not only been called back but for full time! That's such great news!! I am so excited! I am however nervous because this means that there are many kids I haven't even met yet and so getting to know them and what makes them tick and what sets them off. I'm preparing myself for a very hard first couple of weeks (it's so hard for our kids to change their schedule so it takes some transition time). But I'm also so excited to return. I feel a little rusty but think I'll get right back into it once I'm there.

Last night B didn't get home from work until 5:30am. He had his live launch and I had just happened to wake up and heard him come in. I was very surprised that it was so late. I don't know if that means he gets today off. I would hope so! That's an almost 24 hour day for him...cause he went in to work at 8am the day before. Could you imagine doing that? Yikes!! I am eager for him to wake up but I know that won't happen for many hours yet. Poor guy. He works so hard!

Well I guess that's all there is to report for now. I'm just waking up so I'm sure I've missed something. Not too much to report these days.

Until later,


white girl said...

Poor B! It's like he's living Ramadan time!

Did the launch go well, though? I'll have to get Charlie and Lola to check it out. There were some issues with the game using carts that we were hoping would get sorted at the next launch.

white girl said...

Why did my second comment not show up? I wrote again to congratulate you on your call back. And not just any call back, but a FULL TIME call back! Yay!
