Thursday, August 04, 2011

Happy 2 years...almost

This coming weekend marks many important events. One event is a little more dear to my heart than the others, not to take away from the importance from the others it's just that our wedding anniversary, celebrating 2 years of marriage, is on Sunday! I am excited! I have yet to write my two love letters to B. One that I was suppose to write last year (I don't feel bad cause he hasn't done his yet either) and then the second one for this year. This is to put in our box. If you weren't at our wedding you might be like, what the heck is your box? Well it's a box that B's Dad made for us. We put a bottle of wine in there and a love letter. And each year on our anniversary we are to open to it and drink the wine and read our letters from each other. It's also for a time in our marriage, if it gets really tough and we want to throw in the towel, to open it and drink some wine and read our letters from each other reminding ourselves where we have come from. So yeah, that's what that's all about. I am excited for Sunday to come. B has a couple of things up his sleeve and as we all know I LOVE surprises! (This is the box, we nailed it shut just after we put our letters in on our wedding day)
Some of the other things that are going on this weekend is my niece's dedication is on Saturday. That should be a lot of fun and I'm very much looking forward to time with family where we all get together and watch two people (that we love so much) dedicate their daughter! Gonna be a gooder! It's also so awesome having them in town (they live in Halifax). We don't get to see them very often so when the opportunity comes I want to soak up the time, even though I'm sure I don't seem so engaged...I don't know why but I still become shy around some of my in-laws.

Also on Friday we have a couple of friends coming to stay with us. That should also be fun because we haven't seen them in a year or so. It should be fun catching up with each other. That I think wraps up our weekend to come in a nutshell. Not too much but a lot!

Update on health: I'm feeling much better. I have a new medication which makes me run for the washroom every once and a while, but since I've had that same experience when I encounter dairy it's not the worse thing in the world. I do have to say that the breakouts of dry patches on my skin (especially on my face) have not been a welcoming side effect. I wish that would go away. But it's going to be worth it if it (the medication) helps my body to regulate and come back to "normal". It's been a rough ride but I'm on the happy side of emotions these days. So I'm brave enough to say that things are good and looking up :)

Until next time,

1 comment:

white girl said...

Happy 2nd anniversary! In some ways it feels like so much longer than 2 years (look at all you've done together in such a short time! And hasn't B always been a part of our family?) and in other ways it feels like just yesterday that we were standing in that church, witnessing the beginning of a new family! So happy for you both!

Charlie was just talking about the "Easy" button and how Uncle B pressed it after nailing the box shut. Charlie asked, "why do people get those Easy buttons?" in a mocking tone and I said, "Charlie, you wanted one of those." True, he said, true. haha He's so funny.
