Thursday, December 16, 2010

So tired

Today was an interesting day. The first little guy I worked with today was a handful. I don't know how else to explain it. I left the day feeling completely inadequate and unskilled. I felt useless and so very worn out. I looked around the room today and the way I was feeling is the way everyone else was looking. I think this Christmas break is coming at just the right time. A good 2 weeks off will do a mental health good.

I am excited to have our place set up soon. I want to have company over but alas I do not because it still seems like such a mess to me. I have yet to do a "weekly" cleaning because it hasn't stopped with the move and set up. But hopefully by the end of the Christmas break we will have our place in order and it will be open for friends and family to stop by at any time.

One more day and then no work for 2 weeks. I can do it!!
So tired.


Sheila said...

I updated 3 posts

white girl said...

Yay for holidays!

And I still think you should get one of those suits that the police use when training the police dogs.
