Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Sugar say what?

Here I sit on a Wednesday night. I am eagerly awaiting a phone call that should happen in about an hour saying that some very important guests have arrived in town. We are having Christmas tomorrow and I am excited. I think I may just have a hot chocolate tonight to celebrate. You see normally this would be just a regular occurrence but starting last week I have limited my hot chocolate intake to a maximum of two cups a week. The reason, the sugar content. I am cutting out a lot of things out of my normal diet in order to prevent diabetes from happening. I am making a huge life style change and I need your support in order not to cave. I am allowing myself one more day after today (since tomorrow is our Christmas and that would just be cruel). However, I did work out today. Sadly to say the first time in a very long time. What happened? I use to be the boot camp queen. I use to drag my friends and family to the class with me (Literally, at 5:30 in the morning I would show up at their house and wait for them to get in the car). I am going to do an over haul and get myself healthy in both mind and body. Starting with the body cause lets admit it, there is just way too much to fix in the mind. (This is a joke, stop nodding your head).

Well, that's it. No new years revolutions yet. I will keep thinking of one. The new life style is just that, a lifestyle not a fad. The revolutions are just fun to see how long you can stick with it. Maybe it will be to try something new this year that I've always wanted to do but just haven't yet. That would be a fun one. What's your new years resolution going to be?

1 comment:

white girl said...

You should go to the health food store and get a candida cleanse kit. It's a great kick start for detoxing from sugar and it is designed to be supportive to your system.
