Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking for a brighter Year

The joys of the holiday season are coming to a close. Can you believe it? There is so much anticipation leading up to it and in a blink it's over. I am kind of glad though. I am in need of my routine to return. I enjoy seeing people that I don't get to see often, but I also long for my routine schedule. I get peopled out easily. I guess I'm mostly introverted, although I like to think of myself as extroverted. I use to look at introvert as a negative thing, but now I'm seeing it as just the way I function. Nothing wrong with that. I just hope it doesn't come across as snobby or rude. Sometimes, I just like to be alone, with my thoughts. I find that after visiting a lot I run out of energy. Weird.

Anyways, I guess I'm just more reflecting on it because the season is still on high until Monday. We have our last round of guests arriving today and I am mentally preparing myself. I am hoping that they feel welcomed and that it is fun. At this point today I am feeling weary. I don't seem to have much more to give.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.
Until next year,


Melissa said...

I hear ya in the 'introverted' world. I get peopled out easily and do prefer my own company most times....I don't get bored either. Have a great 2011!

white girl said...

If you get your energy revitalized by being alone, you are an introvert. There is such a thing as an outgoing introvert. You like being with people but your energy stores are boosted when being alone. An extrovert will die in isolation. It's torture. I can last about 4 minutes.
