Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Michelle's Mittens?

So today I got a Visa bill from a pre-existing card I carried back when I was a young 20 something. I have since cancelled the card and when we went to get our banking stuff in order the lady so kindly told me that I still had a balance on the old card. A whopping $2.71. I hummed and hawed if I could afford to pay off my haunting debt. I guess I didn't quite cover it because today I just got the bill for an outstanding balance of $0.01. Yikes, I can't believe I still owe a penny. If only I could pay it. I think I will open an account in which my fellow bloggers could donate to in order to help me out of this bind.

I find it funny though because it cost more for them to print and mail the bill than it would have been if they would have just taken the full amount out at once. So ridiculous if you ask me. Good laughing material though.

I had a great evening this evening hanging out with Jenn and Peyton. She is so funny, so full of energy and ready to play. I think tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun seeing the three cousins in one room. Better remember my camera. I'm also excited because today was the last day this week that I had to make dinner. Tomorrow we are having dinner at B's parents house. Thursday we are having dinner at my cousin's house, Friday we are going to B's staff Christmas party where dinner is being served. BooYA! No more making dinner this week for me! And I also like how BooYA! doesn't come up as a spelling error!

Today's work story: I was working with this one little guy and we were going outside. I found out as we were getting dressed for outside weather that he didn't have his mittens with him. We went outside anyways and once outside and realizing how cold it was I put my gloves on his tiny little hands. They kind of just hung there and looked funny. He looked up at me and said, "Michelle's mittens?" He said this a few times with a confused yet concerned look on his face. It was really funny because it kind of looked like Ricky Bobby in a television commercial "I don't know what to do with my hands" as they keep creeping up by his face.

Well that's my life from today,

1 comment:

white girl said...

Dish pan hands!!!
