Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Madness

It's Monday! I am excited because our internet connection arrived and now our computer seems lightening fast! Sorry dlink but your internet connection sucks, but thank you for allowing me to use it temporarily. I am super stoked to have the internet connection because now I can load up photos. I am also excited because now I can view my friends blogs and facebook pages without being kicked off every two minutes. Oh and now I can talk to my sister for any length of time rather than having 2 minute intervals. How annoying was that!

Yesterday B and I made a huge dent in our box collection downstairs. I was quite impressed. I was laughing though because we both got side tracked often, especially with Corner Gas playing in the background. There was one point when we brought up a foot rest for in front of the couch. We brought it up together, turned it upside down, put on felt on the legs (not felt the legs) to prevent them from scratching the hardwood floors and then placed it down in front of the couch. Than we had to test it of course and about 20 minutes later(when the episode was over) we got up and continued on working. It was really funny because we both got sucked in and we both didn't mean to. We are definitely becoming one.

We now have the guest bedroom set up (still have to hang a photo and a mirror) and the office items are up in the office(not completely set up in there yet). We also have our master bedroom unpacked and set up. It's so cozy and a few items have yet to find their place. All in all it's coming along and I'm happy that the moving process is almost complete. We are however, finding small jobs that are adding up every day. But in time there will be more and we will conquer and destroy them all!!! Mwahahaha. Or something like that.

Today I had my cousin over and we played dance dance revolution and it was sooo much fun. We busted out some serious dance moves and laughed so hard. She was off to a staff Christmas party this evening and I told her she should bust some of those moves out on the dance floor. How funny that would look to see someone doing dance dance revolution moves out of context. It makes my insides smile because I really want to do this at B's Christmas party this coming Friday.

Well, I should get back to the kitchen and make some more cookies or something. I am so excited for Friday! The reason behind this excitement is that I will be done work for 2 weeks and I will have ample time for baking and preparing the house for guests. Until later


1 comment:

white girl said...

I double dog dare you to bust out the ddr moves at B's Christmas party! haha
