Thursday, April 08, 2010

Almost another week

Hello my dear friends. It's me, Michelle. The last couple of days have been hectic. I decided that I really wanted to practice making some decorated cupcakes. You see in June I have to make a cake for a bridal shower, and knowing that the bride to be doesn't read this blog I feel pretty safe talking about it without the fear of her finding out. Anyways, I won't give too much info in case someone that does read this is at risk at spilling the beans. So I will tell you a little, but not much. Does that make sense? Anyways, I wanted to practice making icing flowers. Fondant flowers and myself go way back to my wedding cake. But buttercream icing and I have never been introduced. So I loaded myself up with some tutorial videos on my dear friend My sister introduced me to a cake master on there that goes by the name, "Serious Cakes". She is an amazing teacher and she just does it for fun. No charge for giving tips to fellow cake makers. She's witty and funny in her comments.

In the last 2 days I've made over 60 cupcakes and a cake. I have about 13 cupcakes left and I don't want to ice them because they are having issues coming out of the cupcake holders. So what's the point in decorating a cupcake that falls apart. No point in my opinion. The first 30 cupcakes were to get use to my new icing tips. To play around and learn some new techniques. The second batch of 30 cupcakes and a cake were made for B's work bake sale. They were raising funds and awareness for the children's helpline. I was embarrassed at my work because the icing was really soft and not sitting right. I was frustrated while working with it, occasionally having a Julie and Julia meltdown. I didn't lay down on the floor, but I did have to walk out of the kitchen a couple of times.

Until next time


white girl said...

I thought they looked great! How did they go over at the bake sale?

Mandi Bartel said...

check out for what not to do :) it's seriously hilarious

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have seen this said that way before. You actually have clarified this for me. Thanks!

B.rantone said...

Bake sale was great. Lots of compliments on the colourfulness & elaborateness of the flowers.
