Friday, April 16, 2010

Yelping in the Sun

Don't ask me what the title is suppose to mean because it was just random words that came out of my mind and I wrote them down. I wanted to call it TGIF but realized that I have a few blog updates with that title already so I made up a new title.

I am so happy it's Friday. I love working with the kids, but a day like today I feel like I need a weekend. Because of my training I have all the children with behaviour issues pushed my way and today was no exception. I seemed to have to break up more fights than usual and pull children out of the activities (also known as time-outs) at a more frequent rate. It was exhausting. I was actually happy that going home to a quiet house was my reality. I even took the scenic route home and enjoyed my ride.

Funny comment of today: "Michelle why are you wearing your jacket?" "Well, it's more like a sweater and I wear it because I like it" "But I want to see what you're wearing" It sounds so lame writing it out but it was so funny at the time.

Working with 3-6 year olds really is a confidence booster though. I have many marriage proposal's. An average of 3 a week. I also get told on a daily basis if I allow them to do something (they know they're not allowed to do) than they will be my best friend. My response? "I already have a best friend and you still can't do that" haha. I'm so mean! But this job really makes me happy. I definitely made the right career choice.


Anonymous said...

love love love

white girl said...

I love when a situation seems so funny and then when you type it out, not so much. haha!

Who is your best friend?
