Saturday, February 11, 2012

Procrastination at its finest!

It's the weekend and I am procrastinating big time! I have to go to the mall and pick out a bathing suit. Let's face it, like every other girl in the world, I don't care for this kind of shopping. However, with my ever growing belly my old bathing suits don't work so I need to get a new one if I would like to enjoy swimming on our upcoming get away. I love to swim!! My sister in laws parents can attest to that (they have a pool and I was not shy on using it when I lived closer to them). Especially since their pool is a salt water pool and I react to chlorine.

Yesterday was a really fun day at work. Little guy I worked with first thing (I believe he was story number 2 last time I talked about work - little non-verbal guy) came up to me yesterday, stared me down and jibber jabbered to me for almost a minute. Very exciting!! It doesn't sound impressive I'm sure, but it really is. Not only did he acknowledge my existence, but he was trying to communicate verbally with me. Huge step!! After this milestone comes language. I really hope he gets to that stage (or the beginning stages of it before I leave).

After that little guy's session I had a play group that I run with three little girls. We started out with yoga, and then finding out information about your friend (helping to build conversation skills), than we coloured a picture and then wrote a story together (when everyone adds one sentence to the story), than we acted it out. Than we had a craft, I had made sugar cookies the night before and our craft was to decorate them. Although it was with a twist. First they were able to decorate their own cookie however they wanted, than the second cookie they decorated they had to take direction from a friend (works on listening to your friends). So their friend told them what colour icing to use - but then they had the creative freedom to do whatever they wanted with that icing since all three of them were in charge of directing someone and taking direction from someone else. It went over rather well and it was fun. My favourite part was the yoga because it really challenged them on balance. The three of them were falling over and it was really funny to watch. Definitely something we'll be doing again - they need the practice.

I guess that's all there is to report for now. I will catch up with you later, have a great weekend

1 comment:

White Girl said...

Somehow, I feel like I've heard these stories before. haha

I marvel at your creativity!
