Sunday, February 05, 2012

Kiwi the baker in the making

Last night I decided that after my 4 hour long nap (not even exaggerating) I needed to clean the house and bake cookies and a chocolate cake. The cake is for work tomorrow (I'm writing a blog update while I wait for the butter to soften for the icing). Two of the girls have their birthdays this week and we have a staff meeting so I thought lets make a cake. I just have to decorate it now. I think kiwi enjoys baking because as soon as the mixer was turned on baby started to jump around. I talked to kiwi and said, if you enjoy baking just as much as I do we will get along just fine.

As we drove to church this morning I counted on my fingers how many more months I have left before kiwi makes his/her appearance. Only 4 fingers stood up. I was shocked. I know that I count down to everything but it just hit me that in 4 months we will have a baby in our home. I looked around the living room last night as I was making cookies and tried to imagine it full of baby things (baby swing, where will I put kiwi's highchair) that kind of thing.

Do you think nesting can take over this early on? I came home with some groceries this afternoon but before I could put them away I had a strong urge to not only purge some of the nearly empty containers that were still living in the fridge but I also needed to scrub the fridge out to make a nice clean home for the new arrivals. I couldn't put the new groceries away (even the cupboard ones) until the fridge was clean to my satisfaction.

Funny things kids say: A little guy who is mostly non-verbal that I work with (he has random words at random times) apparently told his dad to "shut up" last week. While we want to encourage words and communication you don't want to encourage that type...ahhh. the fine line. I thought it was hilarious to hear about though.

Funny things kids say number 2: Apparently another little kiddo I work with (also non-verbal) but has random words at random times counted his mom down, "3,2,1 all done". Which is hilarious because that's what we use at the centre I work at when we're counting down their free time.

Well that's about all there is for today.

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