Friday, April 13, 2012

What a week - and a Vacuum rant!

This past week seems to have been event after event making for one tired mama at the end of the week. Last Saturday we went to B's grandparents house for breakfast and then visited with a few different families before heading to where my brother and his wife were staying for a week to have a games night. We left our house at about 10am and didn't return home until almost 1am. Than Sunday we opted to sleep in (B had had 4 late nights in a row so I let him sleep in). I was up at a ridiculously early hour. Than we leisurely took in the day making a few errand stops but nothing major. Than on Monday B went to work and I did some errands and cleaned the house and then in the evening we hung out with some friends of ours. It was really fun, we watched a movie and had a great dinner over at their house. Than on Tuesday I went to work (ok I did that every day this week -Tues to Friday- so I will leave this detail out of my daily recap). After work I had my sign language class until 5 and then at 5:30 our maternity class started and went until 7:30. Needless to say it was a long day. Wednesday I was a cranky pants, just seriously irritable at work. Even during my lunch hour I was like I should really just go for a walk to get away. People were talking loudly and talking with their mouths full and chewing without closing their mouth and I hate that sound! Like I said, seriously irritable. Normally I can ignore these things but on Wednesday it just seemed to escalate the more the minutes went by. Eventually I removed myself from the lunch room to collect a little sanity before heading down to work with a little guy that has been having a very off week.

Than the evening came. This is where the venting comes out. I apparently "won" a draw where you get your choice of a free carpet shampooing, floor wax or furniture cleaning. I decided to go with the furniture cleaning and get only the couch and the chair done. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes right, than I can have the entire evening to relax?! HA!! Yeah right. Turns out it was a sales pitch ploy. I won't say which company, but a vacuum company and when he arrived he seemed nice enough. Very pleasant and said, I'm going to show you the product and everything you see today is for sale, but there is no obligation to buy. Good! I am not intending to, is what I was thinking. He did his thing and then proceeded to show me all the other things it could do to. I was like I just wanted my furniture done, it's done, you can go now. He was here for over 2 hours. By the time he left I was super duper grumpy and super duper tired. I was also struggling with heartburn for the last 45 minutes of him being here and wanted to shout "GET OUT" but didn't. Hind sight, I should have.

When it came time for the end of the presentation he asked if I was interested and I said I don't make those types of financial decisions without first discussing it with my husband (we're talking $3000). He proceeded to tell me reasons why I should just make the decision without checking in first and that just made me annoyed. One reason being that B wasn't here to see to believe what his product could do. Another reason because women are many steps ahead of men and we are able to make our own decisions. Another reason because there was a contest going on right now and it's only applicable if you get it on the first night they come to your house (for the record this was an employee contest and there were no benefits for the customer so really I didn't give a rip about the contest). Another reason if I did a trade in for our old vacuum cleaner they would give us $400 off the price. Every time I said no he had a rebuttal and that just annoyed me even more. Did I mention I was struggling with heartburn and fatigue and an already grumpy kind of day?! Finally I got it through to him that I was not going to be making that decision today, not that I didn't agree his product was really great and awesome, just not going to get it today without first talking to my husband. So he finally left shortly after 9:30. I immediately called B (he was at work for launch night) and told him about my experience. Than I tucked myself into bed and went to sleep. Note too everyone - if you get drawn for a "free" cleaning don't fall for it, unless you're willing to put up with the annoying sales pitch.

Thursday I don't really remember. I remember it being a long day and I came home and put my jammies on immediately until it was time to go pick B up from work. Than we went to a friend's baby shower. Their little girl is super tiny and so sweet. Her cry is very quiet. We had a great time joking around with the new parents because we all have a similar sense of humour which I can see as dangerous, but so much fun!

Friday - today was a fun day at work. When I first woke up I didn't think I would make it through the day. I was dragging myself around the house to get ready. But once I got to work I had a few moments of clarity of how to make some of the programs that I had to run fun and exciting and fresh. The little guy I was working with responded well to these ideas and we had a blast. However, some of these things included literally running around from one activity to another. And when I say running I mean we were racing. It was a lot of fun but I knew that as soon as I stopped for the day I would crash. But it was so worth it because it was such a fun day! After lunch I ran a girls group (3 girls) and our theme today was camping. It was so much fun to watch them pretend they were going camping how they set up their camp. When one of the girls decided that it would be a good idea to move the fire into the tent I explained to her why that might not be the best idea. So funny (it wasn't actual fire, just pretend). After our play group they earned some free time and then we went outside for a nature walk and picked up some things we thought might make a good craft. It was an overall amazing day. The little girl I was working with made me laugh a few times. One time during snack time. I hadn't heard her ask for help to open her container and she just sat there and stared at me while I ate my cantaloupe. Finally she asked, "Are you ever going to open this for me?" It was really funny. I apologized for not hearing her and opened up her snack container.
There was another point where we were having a body break from sitting at the table for too long and we played the keep the balloon in the air game. After the game was over she cried out, "Now our fun is over" As if I didn't have more fun planned out. I told her that if there was time we could play that game again at the end of the day. But I will have to remember that one for a body break activity for next week. It was an overall hit. I know there was one other thing she said today that made me laugh but I can't remember it right now. I just love how kids are so funny. I'm going to miss them all so much! It's so surreal that it's coming to an end in 2 weeks from now.
That brings us to current time: Nothing much happening this evening. I stopped in a baby store today that I didn't know existed and that was exciting. I was so happy that they had some gliding chairs set up for trying out because I used every single one to give my feet a break. There was one chair that I found really comfy but it didn't have padding on the arm rests. Than I looked at the price and decided I didn't like it after all. haha. (Too expensive). But the store for the most part was very reasonably priced and a lot of options/selection. Than I picked up B from work and we got some dinner on our way home and now I'm ready for bed. Until next time,

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