Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day One of Mat leave

Ok, so blogger totally changed it's look and I'm a little confused.  I miss the blue and cream coloured wall that was easy on my eyes for writing.  I don't care for this completely white screen and it makes me a little unmotivated to write anything fun.  I don't know why but I'm resistant to change today.  Oh well, I guess I'll get over it.  It just seems to suck my creative juices, this white boring screen.  

Today is day one of my maternity leave.  It is so surreal.  I feel like it's just an extended weekend or a two week vacation but in reality it's a year off to begin our family.  So strange!  The people at work were so kind and they held a baby shower potluck for me.  They even brought in a slurpee for my drink!  They know me so very well :)  At the end of the day when we sang the goodbye song with the kids I lost my composure and sobbed, not just cried a little, sobbed!  I will miss these kids, there has been so much invested and I've seen them all grow so much and a lot of them will have aged out by the time I go back.  It just hit me all at once and I couldn't handle it.  Especially in the line "good bye good bye see you again" line.  Because I know for some of those little kiddos I won't.  Heartbreaking!  

Than this morning when I woke up I had the sorest throat and it felt really nasty at the back.  I have been battling a cold on and off for the last two weeks. It had gone away but came back with a vengeance this last week.  When I would cough a certain way it meant my cookies were coming back up.  In a funny, but not so funny moment this week, I had just lost my lunch (taco salad) and about 10 minutes after that episode got a text message from a friend inviting us over for dinner on Sunday, the menu - taco salad. It almost sent me back to the washroom but I just laughed instead.  Anyways, back to this morning my throat was so bad - I lost my cookies after brushing my teeth - which is really annoying because than you have to brush them again risking the same outcome.  Anyways, after I cleaned myself up I took myself to the doctor to get checked out.  Apparently I may have a viral infection but will have to wait for Monday or Tuesday(at the latest) to get the results back from the swab test.  The hangy thingy in the back of my throat is so swollen that it occasionally gets caught on my tongue and causes me to gag.  Not fun!  But the doctor said it didn't appear to be strep so that was good news!  And I didn't have a fever which was also really good.  

I really have a hankering for The Old Spaghetti Factory. I think we may order some in, but I am also feeling rather social but know that I shouldn't because I am sick.  Dagnabit! So a quiet evening it is.  Until next time, 


1 comment:

Sheila-Mama said...

ahh feel better
