Friday, April 06, 2012

Good Friday and crazy dreams!

The other night I had a crazy pregnancy dream. It was about me going to the doctor to have an ultrasound just to make sure everything was alright. Than I had one of the cousins over and she told me that she has a friend that works at the ultra sound clinic and her friend had told her that I was having a girl. I cried because I wanted it to be a surprise and I was so upset. I started shouting that the clinic had broken their confidentiality code but also that this cousin would just tell me the outcome knowing that I was wanting it to be a surprise at birth. She was confused and asked, wasn't I happy to be having a girl? I told her I am but now I'm mourning not having a boy or letting it be a surprise. So weird!
Anyways, I was quite relieved when I woke up and realized that it had just been a dream. Seriously these dreams keep me quite entertained. Just to chalk it up, that's one dream where it's been a boy and now one dream where's it's a girl...surprise factor - still a go!

Yesterday evening I went to B's parents' house for Good Friday dinner. It was awesome!!! I can't even explain how yummy it was! There was ham, scalloped potatoes, mashed potatoes, corn, brussel sprouts, salad, the green marshmellowy type salad with fruit in it (I can't remember what it's called), homemade applesauce, pineapple...I think there was something else but I just can't remember. Than for dessert we had banana cream pie. Sooooo good!!

At one point I wanted to get in behind B's Grandma to get to my chair, but my belly was too big to get passed and when I asked her if she could scoot up she did and then when I sat down she said, "what's your problem? Maybe you should go on a diet" haha. It was really funny. I wasn't expecting it. It made me laugh any ways.

I do have to say that I am sticking with my new years resolution really well. Do you remember what it was? It's to gain weight in the first 6 months and then lose weight in the last 6 months. So the first half of the year goal is going really well. Hopefully the second half will go just as well.

Well I think that's about all there is to report for now. Until later,
Michelle and kiwi


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