Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today I am home from work due to all the snow outside. Part of yesterday was cancelled too because the roads are just not safe and they would rather have everyone safe than risk coming in. I have never worked at a job where "snow days" exist. With being a server it's like, it doesn't matter if there's a tornado outside, you're still working(yes this has actually happened to me before as a server, freakiest shift I ever worked!)

So what do you do with an unexpected day off and can't really go anywhere because the roads are like a skating rink? You update your blog of course! The last few days have been a huge learning curve. I got my new schedule and I have pretty much all new kids (new to me). So that bag of tricks I have for those other kids may or may not work with my new group. I am so excited and eager to get to know these little guys and build some relationships with them. I love my job.

B and I are in the works of setting up house once again. I took off the Christmas season to entertain and visit with family. Now that the dust has settled again we are back at it.

Well, that's about all there is to report for now. I hope you're all having a great day so far.

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