Thursday, March 04, 2010

New Toy!

Hello everyone. Well, I've had a couple of busy days. Not doing anything really except for photoshop. I've been sprucing up my skills and I've decided that today I'm going to reveal what that new skill is. I'll let the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. I'm sorry if some of you have already seen these and you're like, "Seriously Michelle, we've seen these, get over it." Because really I am just happy with what I've been doing with myself and you can just look at them again...Or skip over it and leave a comment. I'll never know. Really, I'm not watching you...unless you're B. Than I am watching you and that's only because you're sitting right beside me. Without further ado here are the pictures...please enjoy.

Today I had my first official shadow shift. It was a lot of fun and a lot crazy! They had a special Rome event today and it was so funny, but did it ever wind the kids up. The poor parents who had to drag their kids away...I could hear them say to their kids, "You'll come back tomorrow". So much fun. Tomorrow I have another shadow shift and I'm really looking forward to it. I really like working with this age group.

Next Tuesday I have an interview to be a BI (Behavior Interventionist). I am really excited. Where I'm working right now is a casual position and the job I'm being interviewed for is also a casual if I get it between the two I should be pretty set. I really hope I get this job on Tuesday because it's right up my ally. I love working with children with Autism. They are such special people!

Anywho, please pray that I get it. I am so thrilled with life right now. I'm beside myself.
Well, until next time


white girl said...

I'm thrilled for you! And I'm so proud of you! I'll be praying that you get the position because it's something that you've been created to do. I love you!

Anonymous said...

sooo...if you are beside yourself...does that mean there are two of you? Does B know he has two wives? is that even legal?

Oh..nice pictures of one of you.
