Saturday, July 07, 2012

Long story short

Wow, it has been a long time since I updated, not on lack of material either, but my computer is still in the shop and so I have to wait until B gets home from work to use his computer.  However it's his work computer so my time on it is limited so I have not been able to update.  I know, no excuses.  Today, however, B has gone to back to bed so I have free reign of the computer so I am taking this opportunity to update my blog!  Woot!

Last night B spoiled me by taking the night shift with Kiwi.  I got a full nights sleep, except when I woke up at 4:30 and realized I hadn't been woken up yet so I came out to the living room to find them both fast asleep.  B on the couch and Kiwi in his swing.  I went back to bed and didn't get up until 7!!  Boy am I one lucky mama!  

I just started pumping my milk last week.  The first time I used it I was only able to get 2-4oz in an hour of pumping.  Enough for a mini-feed.  Fast forward to today (my fourth time using it) and we got nearly 8oz in 25 mins.  Woot!!  So exciting.  I love that it frees me up a bit and gives B some extra bonding time with his son.  

Kiwi has been growing like a weed.  Which reminds me I need to weed the garden.  He is now at 11 pounds 3oz, at least that's what he weighed last Tuesday so it's most likely more now.  He is a good little eater and there is no confusion between chest and bottle. Smart little gaffer!  He is smiling a lot more and even giggles once and a while.  I am so looking forward to when these are in response to something and not so random!  

We had our first day in the park on Wednesday.  B's Grandma is in the hospital recovering from a hip surgery so we all got together and had a picnic in the park that is right behind the hospital.  That was Grandma was able to be wheeled over.  It was so nice out and it was great to be surrounded with almost all the nieces and nephews on that side.  My one niece kept the ball away from my nephew and he just thought it was the most fun game.  It was really funny to watch because you could tell she was just trying to steal the ball, but he thought it was a game.  

Kiwi will be a month old as of tomorrow!  I can't believe it's been a month already.  I know I use to make fun of the people who would say that before, but now having lived in these shoes I totally get it.  Time does just slip away.  

My recovery from the c-section is slow.  Probably because I keep trying to do things and by the end of the day my stomach is so sore.  I really can't help it though.  I feel like during the day there are so many things that can be done and they don't require that much energy.  But I guess doing a lot of little things add up and then I pay the price at the end of the day.  The biggest culprit is the baby carrier!  It's so heavy and I feel it in my stomach every time I carry it.  But really what am I suppose to do?  Leave him in the car?  Or take him out of it each time?  (Which sounds like a reasonable solution, but he's usually sleeping in it by the time we get to our destination and I don't want to wake him up).  
On a bright note though, I am down 35 pounds from my pregnancy weight, which puts me 26 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight!  only 16 pounds to go until I'm at my goal weight.  I am excited about this because I have yet to be allowed to exercise.  I am looking forward to going swimming and going for long walks with the stroller!  I might even join bootcamp again in the fall.  

Well that's about all I can think of for now.  I know there's a lot more but I can't think of it right now.
Until next time,


Sheila-Mama said...

Good to hear from you guys via blog

Happy Saturday XO

yer dad said...

Happy One Month Birthday! :)

Allen said...

My mom used to take my brother and I to that park all the time when we were kids. We'd usually end up going with our neighbour and her kids. Fun times!
