Thursday, July 26, 2012

Shower time

Monday evening there was  a baby shower held in Kiwi's honour.  My sister in law did the decorating and it was super cute.  I had forgotten to take my camera so I am going to have to snag some pictures from someone who had taken photos.  It was sailor ship themed.  On a banner it said, "Ohoy it's a boy".  And she had sewn and stuffed little blue whales and had them hanging as a garland.  (She herself is pregnant and she said she's going to reuse the whales and make a mobile out of them) Seriously this girl has mad-skills!  I'm not doing the decorations justice with my words, just know that they were awesome and so cute!  It's like a pinterest page had jumped out and became real life.  

There was some very yummy food and Kiwi was spoiled with gifts.  He was given many clothes and a couple of gift cards and some toys and a crocheted blanket and sweater.  

I'm tired right now so it's hard to remember everything that I wanted to include in my update. At one point Kiwi wanted to eat so the attention was taken off of him and put on an adorable little girl who was trying her hardest to roll over.  She had an entire room watching her (talk about pressure) but after perseverance she did it.  It was so exciting!  

Kiwi needed a break about half way through the party to eat some evening snack.  Which of course takes a while because he's a slow good eater. I hope he didn't mind but I opened all his gifts for him.  I'll make it up to him one day and allow him to open all his gifts on his own. But that might be a ways down the road. 

All in all it was a wonderful shower and I really liked how people wrote Kiwi a letter of encouragement for down the road.  I think I am going to make him a memory box and put them in it. 

 Serious cuddles with dad
This kid is so cute, I sometimes can't handle the cuteness!  

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