Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back at it!

I'm back!  I am excited to be back because it has been 4 long weeks without a computer.  Well I would borrow B's computer but not near long enough to do a blog update.  I could have done one, technically, during a night feeding, but really I wasn't in the mind set nor had the energy to do one than.  

Things are going well at the homestead.  Kiwi and I have gone on many adventures.  We try to hit up B's work once a week for lunch (Although we missed last week).  Kiwi is growing so strong.  He is able to hold up his head for quite some time now.  He has started cooing and it's just the cutest thing.  He smiles frequently and has even started to giggle. He loves bath time (except when his head is wet). He thinks it's so funny when we play with his lower lip.  I hope this lasts into the days when we have to wipe his face after a meal.  Yeah right, keep dreaming Michelle. 

Yesterday marked the first day that Kiwi was babysat.  I took him over to his grandparents' house (B's parents).  B had gotten me a 90 minute relaxation massage.  I was really nervous that Kiwi would get hungry while I was away, because I would be gone for just over 2 hours with the travel time, so I pumped 10 ounces of milk, in which he only consumed one.  A little over kill on my part.  But you never know, sometimes he wants to eat for a 45 minute stretch so I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry and have a very grumpy little man for the Grandparents to try and console.  The day after (today) I received an email from Kiwi's grandpa (B's dad) and in it there was a picture of what they did during their time together.   So cute!

Tonight we started his bedtime routine.  We'll see if this helps with stretching out his times between feedings in the night time.  If not I really don't mind getting up to feed him.  It's only for a short time and won't last forever.  But I've heard that having a routine really helps so it's worth a try.  Our evening looked like this.  

6:30 - bath time (this came a little earlier than originally planned due to a poop explosion)
7:00 - feeding 
7:15 - story and song
7:25 - lay down in crib
7:35 - second round of feeding
7:50 - burped by daddy/cuddles and fell asleep on daddy's chest
8:00 - put back in crib

It's now 10pm and he's still asleep.  We will see how long this goes on for. I think tomorrow or the next day or in the near future I'm going to pick up the book "baby whisperer" or sleep whisperer or something like that.  I've seen it at the used baby store on the west side.  I was reading some of the things online and the reviews and I think it's best to go with that route rather than the "baby wise".  I really didn't like the things I was reading in baby wise, just seems so dis-engaged and disconnected.  I think, for myself, a gentler direction is better.  I'm in no way judging those who use the baby wise approach, just don't think it's the right route for me.  And I've gotta listen to my mommy instincts, that's why they're there right?  

Tomorrow marks 6 weeks that Kiwi has been in our lives (on the outside). I can't believe how fast time has been going.  

1 comment:

Aaryn and Tifni said...

I have baby whisperer and you can borrow it if you want!! I took what she said with a grain of salt and picked out the things that worked for us, but it was great and we managed to get Pearce on a great routine and he still is a great sleeper to this day. The dream feed did wonders for us :) let me know if you want to borrow it.
