Saturday, July 21, 2012

Parenting Fail - Leaves a mama shaken up

Yesterday I went to pick up B from work because we were going to some friends' house for dinner.  When I arrived he needed another 5 or so minutes so I decided that I would jump in the back of the car to sit beside Kiwi while I waited.  While I was sitting beside him the car started to feel funny.  I looked up and realized that we were rolling backwards.  I had forgotten to pull up the E-brake.  In a state of panic I jumped out of the car and tried to push it forwards,  the downward slop behind me was too much for me to push against so I ran as fast as I could around the car (yelling for help as I ran) and jumped in the front seat and pushed on the brake.  Luckily it was after hours and there was nobody around (usually the parking lot is crazy busy).  I turned on the car, drove it back into the parking spot and pulled the E-brake up as far as it could go - a little bit of over compensating I know.  My hands were shaking so bad that I decided that B would be the driver over to our friends house.  It was seriously the worst feeling I've ever felt knowing that I put my baby in danger like that.  The weird thing is that that was the second time in so many days that I had forgotten to pull the E-brake up and I never forget.  What is going on with my brain?!  I wish it would come back where ever it went.  

I'm just so happy that nobody was hurt and nothing was wrecked in my absentmindedness.  

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's crazy!! I woulda jumped the front seat to yank up the brake but I don't know the type of car you have. Thank God it all worked out with your quick thinking! Maybe you need a check list before getting out of the car? ;)
