Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Broken Computer

I have not fallen off the planet, although it feels like it sometimes, but my computer has decided to die and went to the computer doctor, so I am limited to using the computer when B's home from work and not using his work computer for work.  Luckily he's down in the basement working on the reno's so I have some free time with the computer and decided to update my blog....although nobody comments so I don't know if anyone is actually reading this thing any more.   No biggy if there aren't any readers, I just want to put it out there that I love to hear from you in the comments section.  It always brightens up my day when I see that "1 comment" or more :)  

This last week has had it's ups and downs.  There was one day in particular that was hard.  I cried a lot. Kiwi, I believe, was having a growth spurt and was up multiple times in a row and I was way over tired and safe to say oober grumpy.  However, that was just a blimp in the week.  The rest has been wonderful.  He's so sweet and I love his squishy cheeks.  He's had two goopy eyes.  which apparently is common in new borns because their tear ducts haven't developed, the solution, to boil water, add salt and keep a container of it by the change table(basically homemade tears).  Every time I change his diaper I'm to take a cotton ball and dip it in the water solution and wipe his eye. It has worked really well, but he somehow passed it to the other eye so now I'm doing both eyes...ho hum. 

Today we went out on the town, again.  Since been given the green light from my doctor to drive I don't think I've stayed home for an entire day.  We stopped in at the mall to say hi to a couple of friends and I picked up a onesie with a tie on it (you know, gotta be dressy sometimes).  Kiwi is funny once he gets hungry he lets out a little whimper to warn me.  Than it just progresses if I don't fill his need.  This is terrible to listen to when you're driving on the highway because all I want to do is fill his need.  So I have gotten really good at the pull over and sit in the back of the car for a feeding.  The windows are tinted limo black so there is no need to feel shy and even so I'm getting pretty good at keeping things discreet anyways. I have a nursing cover but right now don't prefer to use it because it seems to really make him sweat!  And I can't see that as being very comfortable.  

Kiwi is 10 pounds 8 ounces as of yesterday's weigh in.  The nurse was very pleased with this as he's gaining more than an ounce a day which is the ideal.  Yay kiwi!  You're are one amazing little boy!  He has made life so much more interesting and it's going to be so awesome to watch him grow.  His little personality has been so sweet so far.  He gives many serious and confused looks and changes his facial expressions so often.  I love all of them.  I know right now it's chalked up to gas, but his little smiles that are given are such a sweet preview of what is to come in the future.  I love them so much!

Kiwi had a photo shoot the other day.  I had won a free photo newborn photo shoot at the baby fair I went to back in March so I was excited that we were able to use it.  She was an amazing photographer, very professional and patient.  It was a 3 hour photo shoot and Kiwi slept the entire time with only 2 breaks for a snack. I am so excited to see the  photos!  She was able to catch a few photo's of him with his big open mouth smile and I was so excited!  I am really looking forward to seeing them.  

My recovery is still ongoing but it's much better.  Almost 2 weeks ago now I got my staples removed and that was so wonderful.  I didn't realize that it was the staples that were causing the discomfort so once they were removed I was pleasantly pleased.  I do realize when I've done too much in the day because my stomach will be very achy.  This has been happening a little less each day that goes by which is good.  I find it's most sore at night time.  But overall things are going well, I haven't had to use the step stool to get into bed for the last 2 nights!!! (Got to celebrate the little victories!!)

Well, that's about all there is to update on for now...there's a lot more, but this is long enough already!  
P.S. pictures will be lacking until I get my computer back, sorry 


Sheila-Mama said...


Sheila-Mama said...

I miss everyone :(

Good to hear all is well at the B home

House goes up for sale Saturday :)

Melissa said...

I'm an avid reader and apologize for lack of comments. Whenever I go to my blog and I see that your's has been updated, I read it then. :)
I also appreciate the comments, even if just one, on the blog...shows you got readers. Feel free to read mine too k.

Allen said...

I am not a blogger (my life is *far* too boring), but, like Melissa, I am an avid reader. I no longer comment as I felt you probably weren't enjoying reading them, and also because I didn't believe I had anything pertinent to say or contribute to the discussion.

All the same, I look forward to reading future entries.

Take Care.

Michelle said...

Thank you for the comments!! i love to read them so leave all the comments you want :) It just makes it so much more interaction and not just me babbling on and on to the sky :)
