Monday, June 18, 2012

Things they don't tell you

There were some surprises when I was going through the  recovery process that nobody warned me about and so this update is all about the things they didn't tell me.

1.  After a c-section you're not allowed to eat anything for at least 2 meals or until you toot. You're on a clear liquid diet.  Let me tell you this was torture because by the time I was in recovery I hadn't eaten for over 24 hours and then I had to go for another 2 meals while surrounded by all the yummy snacks that we had brought with us.  They accidentally brought me a meal but I wasn't allowed to eat it so B ate it for me. Lucky duck!  

2.  You will celebrate your first toot and bowel movement like it's a big deal because quite frankly it is!  

3. You're going to be stuck in a bed for at least a day, literally trapped in the bed, they had these "stockings" on my legs that plugged into the bed and would compress my legs to avoid any blood clots.  It felt like getting my blood pressure being taken from my legs.  They would alternate and would start squeezing every couple of minutes.  (Makes your legs feel really hot!)

4. You're not going to poop for several days and when you do it's the stinkiest poop you will ever smell!  They give you a prescription to help with this, use it! It's your friend!  

5. Day 3 (I was actually warned about, not by anyone but by reading the information package they give you).  Day 3 you become irrationally emotional.  I cried, scratch that, I bawled my eyes out because I had to go to the bathroom.   Than I cried for no reason while I was nursing Kiwi.  B walked into the nursery and I was a snotty mess. Even at the time you know it's crazy but you can't help it.  I'm telling you, it was weird.  But very normal for day 3.

6. The staples are more of a pain than the actual incision.  Once I got them taken out I was pleasantly surprised that they were the cause of the nagging pinching feeling.  I just assumed it was because I was cut. Getting your staples out doesn't hurt!  There is a very small pinch with each one but nothing major.

7. You will no longer be self conscience about your body after having it displayed for all to see.  I always thought I would be a shy mama hiding in a corner, but found that now I'm just comfortable to do the nursing anywhere at any time.  I try to cover up(nursing cover)when I know there are going to be strangers around or someone who may feel uncomfortable, but it's not for my sake.  

8. Cluster feeding is normal when your milk is first coming in.  This means multiple feedings in short periods of time.  Not awesome for sleep but awesome for bringing your milk in.  Just remember it's only for a short time, you will get through it! Baby is actually working for you, bringing it in, not against you.

9. Keep track of your feedings and diaper changes and what happened in those changes because when you go for your check ups they will ask you and if you're sleep deprived you're feeling good just getting to the appointment let alone remembering anything from the last 24 hours.  So I find it helpful to have it all marked down and when they ask me those questions I just open up my little binder and let them see for themselves what has been happening.

10. They also don't tell you just how much your heart is going to fill with love and excitement and joy.  He has definitely stolen our hearts and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!  


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