Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer days

Summer vacation has officially began. I have kept myself busy this past week by doing errands and putting around the house. Getting little things here and there done. They all seem like little jobs so when the day is complete and I'm asked "what did you do today" I honestly can't remember. "A little of this and a little of that" is usually my answer.

My sister and her family have left to go back to their home now. The house seems so quiet and it's weird. Next week I start working with one little guy. I'll be going to camps with him to be his support worker. I am excited!

Inigo has become a brat in the last week or so. He has decided that he's going to take the pellets out of the bottom of the cage, carry them to his door and then drop them on the ground. He loves watching it fall. That's so weird, as I was typing that he actually did it twice. Make that 3 times. Then he sits on his perch and yells (it's not nice chirping, it's very screechy). Then he looks at himself in the mirror and has a nice little conversation with himself. So weird!! Why do all my animals seem to have the weirdest personalities!!! Seriously!

Last night B and I watched a movie. It was my choice of movie and it didn't seem so bad, a little cliche and a little predictable but manageable. Than at the end they cranked up the cheese and B voiced how I picked terrible movies. (He was joking of course because we all know I have impeccable taste in movies).

Well, I think I'm going to drag my sewing machine out today and see if I can figure out how it works again....been forever since the last time I sewed anything. Until next time


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