Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Bye Bye Baby Nelly

The internet can be a useful tool or a total annoyance. I started writing a blog update...ok, I opened the page to start one, and the internet went down and then I felt uninspired. But then, my sister said, "You haven't updated your blog in a loooong time" and so now I am here writing an update.

Ok, so the Tracker sold. Hallelujah! It was sold to this cute little older man. He is 79 and he bought it with the sole purpose of using it for hunting. He told me he use to have a Tracker and it died out in the middle of nowhere and it took him, get this, 16 hours to walk out and get back to civilization. He told me that happened when he was a lot younger, 65! This guy has pep and I think it's great. We looked it over and I told him everything that was wrong with it, but these all seemed like easy fixes to him. As I was showing it to him I had three other people stop and ask questions about it, and as we were signing the transfer papers I had to tell a young girl that it had already been sold, in which she turned around, hung her head and walked away. Such a sad moment. The gentleman that bought it seemed really interesting to me. He had such a great story, he had brought his brother along with him and they were both really funny. They fed off each other and were just so much fun to be around.

It was weird though, I had the car listed on a few different popular web sites and the ads would get a lot of hits, but hardly any calls or emails. Then I put it on the side of the highway late Friday night and on Sunday had over 10 calls about it and sold on Monday. That just tells me that people are visual seekers. They have to see it to fall in love.

I'm just so happy that it's sold because now I'm allowed to drive my "new to me" car. It's a 2001 Volkswagen Jetta. It's smokin' hot! I love it! I will take a picture of it and post it at a later time. It has smoked out tail-lights, and a killer sound system (it's better than the Trackers = louder), a sunroof, all electrical things (locks, sunroof control, windows), a straight tailpipe, and it's diesel, so I get 900 clicks to a tank! Woot!!! I'm so happy with it. I got the windshield replaced yesterday because it looked like a spiderweb, but now that it's fixed it almost looked like there was nothing there. It wasn't until it started raining and I wasn't getting wet that I knew that there was glass there.

It's a little sad to see the Tracker go. I had it for exactly 10 years. ( I bought it May 2000). She was a good car to me. We had a lot of experiences together. Many road trips (she had 308 648 clicks on her). She was my car when I was still in Bible College, when I lived in Manitoba, when I was a photographer. We had a relationship, but it was time to say good bye to my 20's and hello to my 30's. Bye bye Baby Nelly.


white girl said...

I can't believe that man walked 16 hours to civilization! Crazy! Makes you wonder where Baby Nelly will eventually end up!

Amy said...

hey - there's a pee mark on your back tire ^.^
